Friday, May 3, 2013

Mother I Love You

Mothers Day is coming up soon. It catches me off guard. One of the reasons catches me unaware is that my wedding anniversary (May 8) is always very close to Mother's Day, and I'm usually more excited to celebrate my years with Chad than I am to think about if I have always been the best mother to my children. I hope I am, but I'm pretty good at focusing on my flaws when forced to examine myself. I need to work on that.

As far as my own mother goes, I cannot say enough good about her. My mom (Shary Summers) is one of the most beautiful (inside and out), strongest, faithful, kind and compassionate people I know. She gives of herself from sun up to sun down (and probably in her sleep too!) She is prayerful, insightful, careful about her words and actions, she's a great listener and has carried the world's burdens as her own. She bears her own burdens with grace, dignity and strength. She helps and listens to anyone and everyone who might need kindness and a good friend. Her love knows no bounds and her charity is endless. She is who I want to be like.

There are a group of mothers in the world that I consider to be great heroes, but do not often get seen in the best light. Birthmothers are the epitome of selfless. I admire them. I hurt for them. I know they sacrifice their lives, their sanity, their dreams, and their own desires to ensure that their child gets everything it needs. I don't think they are understood for the most part. I do read a blog of a dear friend who I admire more than she could ever dream. Karli is amazing. She has 3 beautiful girls. Karli adopted her first daughter and has treated the entire situation with grace and dignity and boundless love. Karli adores her children and knows the blessing that each of them are. Karli also loves the birthmother that sacrificed so much. She is always extremely complimentary and loving to this birthmother. Karli doesn't think twice about including this mother in their lives. Karli understands eternal realtionships more than anyone I've ever known. I admire her love and strength and kindness. I admire her humility and grace and I'm grateful to have her as a friend.

Thanks to mothers for being the strength behind the family.


-I love Sharpies. I'm an avid collector.

-I I love candles. Scents can transport me to places in time and memory. Keeping a stash of candles comforts me.

-I love an empty calendar.

-Creating is therapy for me.

-I believe that Birthmothers are some of the strongest people in the world. Not the most perfect, but none of us are. They have love many will never comprehend.

-If I had my way, every single thing in my life and home would be organized and categorized perfectly.

-Social situations scare the life out of me; which is sad because I truly love people.

~I love sleeping in~especially on rainy days. And especially when Chad is home to sleep in with me.

-I am allergic to bees.

-I cannot stomach the thought of martyrdom. I don't like it. It's not fair.
      My cute mom and Dad getting ready for a Stake dance
             Meghan Cassie Heather Shary
         and Sarah

My mom, her mom, me, and my girls


  1. Heather, you are a jewel! What a very sweet surprise to read such kind words from someone I love and admire so much! Thank you so much! And I could not agree with you more about birth moms. I've never felt so indebted and so full of love for the sacrifice that our sweet Jess made for kaiya and our family! Adoption is truly all about LOVE!! As is motherhood!

    1. Well I certainly think the world of you. You inspire me and I had to voice my admiration. I love you and hope you Mother's Day is wonderful~you are a wonderful mother.
