Saturday, May 18, 2013

Being Human

In all the confusion of living everyday life, I'm always grateful for the things that are unchangeable and true. For instance, diet and nutrition parameters change as quickly as fashion fads, and it frustrates me to no end to hear that one thing is good for me one minute and bad for me in the next. The truth in  all of it has always been that moderation in all things is good for you and your body. Control yourself and barring any health problems, for the most part you can stay healthy.

Another truth that I find myself grateful for is that we, as humans can learn, and relearn. That may sound tiresome to learn something again, but being human makes me very forgetful. Of knowledge, of feelings, of truth and of experiences. To be reminded of them again or to realize the importance of things can be wonderful. Sometimes refreshing my memory recharges me. It keeps me on my toes. Sometimes remembering keeps me from repeating past mistakes. And other times I have to relearn because I DO make the mistake again.

A truth I have learned of and known my entire life is that we, as humans have an eternal connection. I love that. It rings true to me. I'm grateful for it. I admit that it helps me to not judge myself quite so harshly for how easily I love others. Last night I was reminded of eternal connections and am ever so grateful for the people who recognize them. I think if we humans would recognize what kindred spirits we all are it would change the world as we know it and make it a much better, much happier place.

Learning to open our hearts is something we have to continually relearn and revisit. We resist it; probably because past experiences sometimes teach us that opening up makes us vulnerable and at times we get hurt. I feel that the joy~even for a moment~of loving someone and letting them in my heart far outweighs the hurt. Even if it takes awhile to get over the hurt. I'm grateful for my chances to be reminded to open my heart and let love in. It makes my life better. EVERY time.

Some of my favorite things I've learned-and relearned


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