Sunday, December 12, 2021

The One Where She Got the Wrong Holiday

Yes! I know. Of course I, of ALL people in the world, know that the Christmas Season is upon us! And I am joyful. I LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR!  I  look forward to it all year. I plan for it.  I love the lights, the feeling, the goodwill, the decorations, giving gifts, feeling cozy, celebrating life, honoring ancestors, and the story of a babe who would save the world with His love. Yes, Christmas is part of my heart. From Thanksgiving to New Years I revel in the potential hope that the world can experience all these joys if we can just grab those feelings and hold onto them. I try to hold onto them for the livelong year, but they are most present when the world comes together to perpetuate the hope as one. At Christmas. 

The past few years have been hard for all. Many trials are plaguing everyone I know. I've had my own set of them. Yet I am grateful for my life and the blessings in it. I've been thinking about that alot. Even as more problems crop up. The last month has felt like a dream. Not necessarily good or bad, but there has been a dream like quality about all of it-it's going too fast, and it's throwing grenades at me, but lots of good things too. I search the world and every situation for any silver lining it can give. I have had to really reach some days. But I find it. 

I (and many others) went through a very harrowing day on Friday-many factors compounded it exponentially-and yet the only thing I could think of was how grateful I was for all the blessings, tender mercies, and miracles I have received throughout this difficlut time frame. So now I find myself urged to list just a small sampling of some  things I am grateful for-especially at this point in time. While it is traditional to list all of this during the month of Thanksgiving, I find myself drawn to do so during the season of Christmas and giving; which amazingly enough goes hand in hand with giving thanks anyway! So I will begin.

I'm grateful for this time of year. The opportunity for reflection, goodness and cheer are such a gift to me. I love it that we can unite in one purpose of spreading love and light. 

I'm grateful for such a wonderful job, with wonderful people-parents, co-workers, and children alike. I find value and purpose in every day.

That being said, I am grateful for the team I work with, who will help out, fill in, and kindly go about their day no matter who is helping or available. It feels good to know we will always make it work, even if it is crazy and exhausting at the end of the day. My people are golden. 

I'm grateful for snow. That we are getting the water we need. I 'm grateful for snow plow drivers and the lengths they go to to try to keep us safe. 

I'm grateful for all those near misses that we are miraculously saved from, and for angels that stopped a Mustang in a full diagonal slide just 5 feet away from the car it was careening toward. I'm grateful for the snowtires that got me as far as they did before the slide. I'm grateful the Mustang is in one piece, the car I was headed toward is in one piece, and that despite many falls, white knuckled,  hair raising crashes, slides, and demolition, all of us walked away from the off roads and pile-ups. 

I'm grateful for kind people who offer assistance on their day off, friendly smiles and jokes to ease the anxiety, and people who stay until everyone is safe and the job is done. And the group of highschoolers that took a bad experience and turned it into acts of service-helping everyone around them and bringing warmth to a cold event.

I'm grateful for 4 wheel drive and snow tires and an incredible husband who left work to traipse through the treachery to save me after a couple of hours sitting frozen in my car, terrified that it would slide the few more feet and collide with the other car if I moved a muscle. I'm grateful for the skillful way he drove backwards out of the spin out I was in after the sand and salt had melted the ice enough to do so. I cried all the way home, driving his truck while he drove the Mustang to safety in the garage. And though I hate to admit it, I was grateful the officers wouldn't let anyone back down the hill, so I could sit and let the relief wash over me and the tears run out of me! 

I'm grateful that when I woke up with an eye full of blood earlier in the week, I had help and a short response time from my doctor. I'm thankful for all the little kiddos at shool who worried about about Miss Heather and wanted to make sure I was okay.....and that I wasn't turning into a zombie!!! I am also gratful that when my blood pressure went up and made my eye bleed more from being in that stressful mess, the medical professionals that I trust were once again there to help me. Add to that my chiropractor, Scott Skaggs, and I was helped in all the areas I was hurting. 

Sorry-grossness alert. I have a hematoma in my eye
and have no idea how I got it. It shifts and changes
but hasn't gone away-YET.

I am grateful for Christmas lights. Heck. I am grateful for light. It fascinates me. I love eveything from the sun to the moon and stars, to a candle flame, to thousands of tiny Christmas lights that warm the heart and soul. They spark something in my psyche that makes me glow myself, and want to share that warmth with others.

Lights in the tree and gazebo.
I'm grateful for the kindnesses I am shown. FOR MY FRIENDS. Near and far, old and new, ones I just met, and some that I have known forever. From those who check on me to those who make me cards, to those who find a dime in the parking lot and know they need to give it to me, to anonymous angels  that littered my porch and stairway and driveway with dimes....for two days! Little did they know how desperately I would need them in this crazy week. They made a monumental difference in how I viewed my week-mishaps and all. I am ever so grateful for the wonders that occur in my life. The people I know, the opportunities that come my way, my ability to see silver linings and rally, and for the people that help me do that.

Oh I could go on. So many things. So many gems in my life. So much good. So much to give thanks for. So maybe I got the wrong holiday, but I have always insisted that Thanksgiving and Christmas are very complimentary to each other, and I am grateful.