Wednesday, November 26, 2014

By Small and Simple Things

I'm a believer that the small things in life add up to the greatest things in life. There are lots of great moments, but the simple things seem to mean the most in the end. I've been keeping track of a lot of them, and on this day before Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday) it seems appropriate to list them.

The beautiful friend standing on my front porch in her socks to hand me a "Box of Sunshine"" to make my day great.

The way my (almost) 16 year old hugs me and tells me she loves me when she gets out of the car right smack in front of the high school.

Having my married 20 year old call me and thank me for teaching her how to do simple housekeeping chores, and thank me for teaching, raising and loving her. Full circle.

Being called beautiful when I'm really not feeling that way.

Snuggling up to my husband of 22 years and still feeling that giddy, happy feeling that he is mine!

Getting a car and a vacuum in the same week and feeling spoiled by my sweet husband.

Being told by a seven year old that on Thanksgiving Day when his family tells what they are grateful for, he is going to say he's grateful for me! (yes, I teared right up at that!)

Realizing the great posterity I come from, and being grateful for being taught well by example and not just word.

Being able to say I love you to people, and not be scared to say it.

Having the lights on my tree and being able to say it was worth the time to do it!!!

A week, a day, or even an hour when I can breathe! Something that a lot of people take for granted but I am so, so thankful for when I can.

Good sales. And I mean GOOD sales. Not the 15% off sales, but the real ones 40% off or more. 75% off and higher are the best ones.

A family of neighbors and friends and community.

LOVE as a whole. For everyone, from everyone.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Can't Get Over It

I will forever be amazed at the timing that God has for the circumstances and people in our lives. I will forever be grateful for it. I can't get over it!

I could tell you all the things that my family and I have experienced in the last few weeks, but all you really need to know is that I am so weary from all of our experiences that I could lie on the ground and flop around like a dying fish. But that would take away from the feelings that I am trying convey.

In this season of gratitude and  thanksgiving, I could write endless posts about the things I am so privileged to have, experience, feel, and witness in my life. I am blessed beyond measure and hope that I can always be aware of every blessing I am graced with. Right now, I am acutely aware that I am blessed with angels in my life-in both heavenly and earthly forms. I am amazed and humbled by the never ending line of good, kind, generous people that parade through my days and in and out of my life. I feel God's love and His light from each one of them. Thank you to my angels; seen and unseen. I will pay it forward.

And if that's not enough, take a little listen to this song. It came on the radio last night as I was feeling immensely blessed by a few angels who stepped up for me. This brought it all home.

Oh.... I believe there are angels among us
Sent down to us from somewhere up above
They come to you and me in our darkest hours
To show us how to live, to teach us how to give
To guide us with the light of love

Friday, November 7, 2014

I'm Ticklish

I am strongly opinionated about a few things and Christmas is one of them. I love it.

I have been watching people on social media and in the stores as they see Christmas decorations out and  hear Christmas music "and it's not even Thanksgiving yet!" It absolutely tickles me how heated this subject can get. Not that I get tickled at the arguing  about when and how Christmas should be celebrated, but at the fact that it makes people so emotional. Emotion can be a good thing. Being passionate about something has a place in the world for sure.

I will put it out there that I believe everyone should follow their hearts concerning Christmas as well as Thanksgiving. I believe, and I know there are people out there who believe as I do, that Christmas and Thanksgiving go together as well as peanut butter and jelly. I can't think of anything more fitting than taking a holiday of giving thanks and pairing it with a holiday that celebrates receiving the greatest gift the world has ever known; the Son of God, the Savior of man. Taking a season of Thanks and adding the Spirit of Giving is a beautiful way to spend time. I celebrate Thanksgiving, and I do it to the hilt. I even celebrate it before Christmas! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I happen to love counting my blessings with family and friends gathered around me, eating Thanksgiving dinner and listening to Johnny Mathis or Bing Crosby croon songs about a silent night in Bethlehem. There's no better slice of heaven in the world.

So I guess I'm saying that it's okay if you decide to listen to carols after Thanksgiving. If you put your tree up in December I am happy for your tradition. As for me and my house, we will revel in the joy of families being together, giving thanks and caroling, and celebrating the wonder in all of it. TOGETHER, these things keep me focused on the things my heart knows these holidays are for: love, charity, gratitude, giving and peace. I never worry about this time of year becoming commercialized for my family because we keep the good things of both  Thanksgiving and Christmas  as the main focus . Christmas spirit can last all year, just as Christ and His love has endured through the ages. I'm grateful.