Sunday, December 29, 2013

Realizations and Not Resolutions

I was watching one of my favorite animated shows with Meghan today. In this episode, the villain builds a contraption that when activated at the strike of midnight of the new year will cause an entire town to make a resolution to follow him as their leader. The punch-line is that the town "resolves" to follow this villain as soon as the clock strikes, but then stays behind as he marches off. When he notices that no one is following him, he finds his invention has back-fired because no one actually keeps their resolutions. As this made me laugh, it also made me acknowledge that this is the very reason I tend to stay away from New Year resolutions and instead reflect on the things I have learned and plan to make these things part of my actions and thinking for the future. I can't say this is a fool-proof plan, but it seems to work for me so far.
Phineas and Ferb-one of my favorite clever shows
I DO find that I want to be a better, kinder person every single day. One of the things I want to accomplish with this is to teach my children that kindness always pays-even if it only pays in the end. Sometimes the journey is bumpy, and at times kindness seems to fetch only  a proverbial slap in the face. But I really believe that kindness does count, and that seeing the good and not the negatives  in others definitely makes for a happier spirit and more joyful soul.

One of the realizations that has occurred to me with great force again and again is that there are  people in the world that will always choose to be offended ~ many times in situations where no offense was intended. My goal is to realize that is their choice, not mine. I have no control over how a person chooses to see a situation or react to it. I cannot fix someone's thought processes with my good intent. All I can really do is continue to love and be kind, and hope their hearts are open enough to receive it.

I have a belief deep in my soul that people who really know me will know my heart and know my intent. I'm grateful for the people who DO know me and know that my intent is to lift and build up. I have worked hard to teach my family the values that I hold dear and I feel they do a grand job of reflecting those ideals in their actions. I'm grateful for the love, support, kindness and heart lifting that has been given to me. I treasure it and will make sure I pay it forward.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Plumbing Faux Pas

This has been an eventful week on every level possible. It has been emotionally charged in good and not so good ways. I welcome the love, the friendship, and the good emotions that this time of year brings out. The other emotions I like to keep at a distance from my family and myself. But life is learning to deal with the unsavory and uncomfortable situations as much as it is relishing the joy, so I am going to cling to the joy and gratitude I have taken to heart over the last week.

I committed  quite the plumbing faux pas last week when I was preparing some chili and the hamburger I was cooking didn't smell quite right. Like any good housewife, I disposed of the hamburger down my disposal  and was so proud of myself for removing the foul product and ridding our home of it. Three days later our basement flooded. We have had minor kitchen plumbing issues since we moved into our house and have done a minimal job in correcting them, so I just assumed these issues had finally come to a head and we needed to deal with them. To make a long story short, we are dealing with the minor issues~ and fixing the issue that I created by stuffing a pound of hamburger down the disposal. Yes, the drain clogged. After hours of draining water and drain snaking the pipe, Chad had expelled enough water to take the pipe off by the basement floor and what should appear but a perfect pipe~shaped "meatloaf"! Chad said, "Oh my goodness-that looks like...hamburger!" And I said, "Oh my gosh! It is!" and I proceeded to tell him about the good deed I thought I had done in ridding our home of the meaty stench. Heaven bless him, he didn't bat an eye, shake a finger or yell at me, but said, "Well I guess all of us know not to try that again", and set about to fixing the mess. How did I get this man? It was a miracle-one that I will always be grateful for.

I am grateful for much in what we now refer to as the "hamburger debacle". I am grateful I learned not to put hamburger down the disposal. I am grateful I have such a patient husband. As I've been washing dishes in my bathroom sink and dealing with a torn-up kitchen, I am SO grateful for the many conveniences I enjoy every day. Like running water, and a dishwasher. Like a full kitchen as opposed to a bucket outside. I am grateful for miracles big and small, and for a good life with good people in it. And my husband is one of the best ones there is.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Say Something

I'm a quote junkie. I think that my love for quotes quite possibly began with my parents sending me off each day with the words, "Remember WHO you are." I do.

Other memorable things my parents said to me have stayed in my mind and I recall them often. I clearly remember being grouchy one day when I was about 5 years old. My dad pulled me aside and said, "You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar." As a 5 year old, I was completely perplexed by this statement. He went on to tell me that kindness gets you much further in the long run than being mean does. As I've gotten older, this advice has resurfaced in my heart and mind again and again. And I find that he was absolutely right.

I collect any quote that I can look back on to lift me up and I have thousands of them stored away.  Sometimes they calm me and other times I gain much needed perspective. Sometimes they help me feel better about myself and remind me that we are all unique and view things in different ways. Quotes inspire me and amuse me. Here are some of my favorites. Forgive me ahead of time for sharing so many. Maybe you can find something in them that resonates in you.

Monday, December 16, 2013

A Christmas Story

Ah, the memories that surround me at this time of year. I have so many. Sometimes they just envelop me and take over in a "Ralphie" moment until I startle back to reality...
Ralphie Gets an A++++
I am a Christmas junkie and a hoarder of Christmas memories. I draw upon that spirit during the holidays and throughout the year more times than I can count. Sometimes they are my security. Not just because they are Christmas memories, but because they are often family related and always warm. Even the memories of my dad trying to get a tree with an 8 inch diameter into a 6 inch tree stand somehow brings warmth to my soul. I guess I must block out the image of my dad hurling the stand across the street while sputtering *#@% words and bring the image of the majestic, decorated tree in the stand to mind instead. I must admit, though, that some of the memories that were not so cute make for great things to recall around the family table at Christmastime. Some of these scenes could have originated in my own childhood home. They tickle me because they hit so close to home.
You used all the glue 
 The Pink Bunny Suit
Chinese Turkey (Watch the mom-it's the best part!)
The best part of all these memories are that I grew up with a father who wanted to be "The Real Santa" for his job, and parents who taught us that Christ and giving are what Christmas is about. So, I have parents who created magic in the forms of memories, storytelling of babes in swaddling clothes and a man in a red suit whose mission is to give and love. I grew up experiencing wonderful food, icicle strewn Christmas trees, Nativity enactments, plates of cookies to run to neighbors, and the peace that comes from Christmas. And for that I am grateful.
Circa 1988

 Last Christmas Eve (2012)

Monday, December 9, 2013

It's Just Emotion that's Taking Me Over...

I LOVE this time of year. I absolutely love it! But I am just about the most emotional person on the planet from the first Christmas commercial until about the 3rd of January. It's joyful emotion, but emotion nonetheless. I cry at church. I cry at school. I cry watching TV and while listening to Christmas music. I cry when children sing Jingle Bells. I cry when I think of the Christ-child and His family. Like I said~joyful crying. But also choked up with emotion.

This time of year is all for one reason. Whether you're Christian, Jew, Catholic, non-denominational, white, colored, boy or girl, the Christmas season began because of Christ. It has become much more and some of those things enhance the season and all it's joys, and those joys are the things that get to my heart. Oh, I hear cries of "commercialism" and "skipping Thanksgiving" often, but here's the's all in how you choose to view it. You can find joy or you can be upset. And we all know how I'm a connoisseur of  joy!

So I have found much joy in the season already. I gave praises of gratitude and thanks with my family in Washington for Thanksgiving. I began playing -and singing Christmas music early.

 I spent time watching fun Christmas movies with my family.

I gained inspiration and renewed strength in my job and calling in life by remembering I'm a guardian of children. I decorated my house with love. I watched Savior of the World with my Young Women. I marveled at the sacrifices made by so many to bring about His birth-and then to sing praises of joy because of it. I know I was in Heaven singing too.
Sydnee, Meghan and Shelby after Savior of the World
@Conference Center

Again I choose to find joy, and at this time of year you don't have to look far. I find a lot of it at home with my family and in the simple acts of preparation. Though there are events I would never miss I like to keep it simple so the rush and stress doesn't get too taxing. I count my blessings. I know I have many. And I'm emotional about it. In a joyful way.

Monday, December 2, 2013


Almost exactly 2 years ago, I was at Disneyland with my family. We love this time of year, and being at Disney only enhances the magic. We love it! I remember looking at Chad and then at my girls and thinking, "Wow! Life is good right now." And then that nagging little voice in the far reaches of my mind said, "I wonder how long we can keep this going. What's next?" I find that every time I notice that life is going well and that the bumps are relatively small, I feel I jinx myself! I find myself wondering if I could keep the trials at bay if that little voice would just shut up, or if the natural order of things demands that the next trial presents itself whether the voice speaks up or not. I tend to believe that life IS a trial and the quiet, peaceful joyful and even uneventful times in life are just a bonus that we can acknowledge as blessings... or not. I think the way we choose to look at joy will carry us over the bumpy times.

Well, within a week of that magical trip I found out I was dealing with an Ovarian Cancer issue. Just the C word is daunting, but many issues in life are just as seemingly insurmountable to us frail humans. I was blessed to come through this ordeal relatively healthy and only somewhat physically altered (less one ovary) but significantly changed in mind and spirit. For the better.

I found myself thinking along the same Disney-ish, happy-go-lucky lines just a couple of weeks ago and shortly thereafter found myself in a whirlwind of physical, emotional, and stressful situations that have weighed pretty heavily since then, but seem to be (dare I say it?)  getting better. As I've trudged through the last weeks, I've thought a lot about how I get through them and come out the other side feeling blessed. I've come to accept that during these times, many people and situations are put in place to make me be inspired. The inspiration I've experienced has ranged from personal to spiritual to situational, and has arrived in the forms of sisters, parents, friends and co-workers. Some were just thoughts uttered while others have been in the form of entire experiences. Everything I read, heard, watched and participated seemed to inexplicably be tied to something I needed to be inspired about. Heaven sent things can be inexplicable, I know.

So again, I'm grateful. I'm blessed, and inspired. I love that!
Me, Sarah Jane, my mom, and Amy (our amazing hostess)
getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner.

Monday, November 18, 2013

A **CUTE** Little Update

My heart is full. People are good. There is happiness out there to find and to share. There is love to receive if we open our hearts for it.

Last week was a doozie! Hard. Stressful. Busy. Sad. And so full of good things. For every hard thing I got to see 10 good things. Good deeds. Kindnesses. Miracles. Great performances.

I had a little bit of interest in my project for veterans and soldiers last week. Not much, but people asked questions and wanted details, so I was happy to supply these things. I hoped there would be more interest displayed but was grateful at the response nonetheless. This morning when I walked into work, the basket I had set on the faculty room table was full of the most darling cards you've ever seen. They grabbed at my heart and just about choked me to tears. Most of them were made by first graders. Take a look and see what you feel...
The ultimate tear-jerker for me:
"Dear Veteran, I want you so bad to come back and live in the world."

Translation: "Dear Veteran, Thank you for fighting in the war because you save our world."

I love the reindeer teetering right on the point of the roof  :)
Along with these gems I had cards from church groups, families, and scout groups to send. What a wonderful heart-lifting moment that gave me. Again, I'm amazed at the timing. I found out before work this morning that someone my family loves left this world to be an angel in Heaven. I was prepared to face the day with a set smile, knowing that throughout the day I would be reduced to tears because of loss. I had no idea my tears would also include ones of joy in them. I'm grateful for goodness and silver linings and the kindness around me. And cute little updates like these.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Adding Up the Gratitude

I love this time of year when people make an extra effort to acknowledge the things they are grateful for. I love to see the things we notice in our lives that there are reasons to give thanks for. Facebook is full of "gratitude posts". Posted there are the small and simple things in life that can be taken for granted or the big miracles that are bestowed, and many more gifts in between, but the variety is endless and adds up quickly.

Though I have not participated in the one thing each day of November trend, I try to make sure I show gratitude as often as possible. I KNOW I am blessed. I enjoy concentrating on my blessings and finding the things that might otherwise be counted as coincidence or karma.

As yesterday was Veterans Day, I gave alot of thought to the men and women who so selflessly leave their families and life as they know it to go serve our country and protect our freedoms. I am so very grateful for their sacrifice! I have so much because of those willing to put their lives on the line in the name of freedom and goodness. Thank you Veterans as well as all those currently serving. I owe a debt I cannot repay except to pray for your safety and for your families, and continue to love this country I'm so blessed to live in. You're my heroes! Here is a great link to a site that is all about heroes and Veterans Day:
Speaking of heroes,
I am trying to do a little something for some of our heroes. I invite you to act if you feel the need to do so. When you are sending your Christmas cards out this year, take a minute to write an extra one with a note of thanks to a soldier who may not be receiving one this year. Or just send one because you are grateful for the service provided by our armed forces. I am collecting them for a service project at my school but am also adding several extras to my own personal list at home. And thank you in advance. Hopefully the dividend will be JOY for you as well as those you are sending a greeting to.

Some of the info:
Anyone who wants to send a greeting card to a Holiday Hero can do so with my greeting card system. We print it, We stuff it, We stamp it and We mail it for you. AND WE PAY FOR IT!  CLICK SEND A CARD
 - Mail Cards to: Holiday Mail for Heroes, P.O. Box 5456 Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5456 | Cards and Stamps are FREE!
Some of my homemade cards we are sending to soldiers