Tuesday, April 30, 2013

There's More to Life Than Just to Live

I have come to realize with adamancy and urgency that life is for living and joy needs to be sought after every day. Just one moment of joy can get you through the hardest time down the roughest road. I like to stock up on the joyful moments, and when there are big ones, I like to store them away for the rainy days in life. I also like to think that our toughest moments can at the same time harbor good. Sometimes it seems the goodness is miniscule in proportion to the trial, but there is always a silver lining. As the Jonas Brothers would sing-"there's more to life than just to live." I'll admit there are days that I just "get through" but I'm trying to make as many memories as I can along the way. And gather any shrapnel of goodness that can be captured in a day. I have many great people in my life who exemplify great living. This blog entry is dedicated to Mark and Ladena who have been trailblazers for finding joy and living life to the fullest. I love you.

The Next 10 Things 21-30

-I don't regret any person in my life. Even the relationships that were not good for me taught me something.

-I love 80's alternative music. Howard Jones, New Order, Alphaville, Hubert Kah, Erasure, The Cure, Depeche Mode, Anything Box, Gene loves Jezebel, Bryan Ferry….I could go on.
Hubert Kah 
Howard Jones

-"Living in Oblivion" by Anything Box is one of my theme songs.

-I wore lots of black as a teenager. It still makes me feel safe and invisible.

-I am still scared of things in the dark~especially dark closets and under my bed.

-The thought of forever sends me into a panic like nothing else does. I realize it's supposed to be a good thing. I just can't wrap my mind around it.

-I was a great seamstress in high school~as long as I did NOT use the pattern.

-I have become a Disney freak as I've gotten older. It feeds the kid in me, fuels my wonder, gives me faith in good, and has afforded me many, many wonderful hours with my family.

-I thought the Tower of Terror at Disneyland would be the most fear-evoking ride I'd ever go on. I LOVED it-I could not stop laughing. Turns out the Nemo submarine ride is the one that makes me want to go screaming into the night.

-I believe there is good in EVERYone.

                                              My family on Space Mountain in Disneyland
                                                    Trapped on Tom Sawyers Island
                                                Living In Oblivion Video by Anything Box
                                                          (note the hair-one of my favorite parts!)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Miracles, Mush and Other Random Stuff

Today's items about me vary on topic and subject. Some of my thoughts ran together quite easily, leading right into the next one and others don't seem to tie in anywhere.

I have noticed that alot of the themes in my life come back to love, faith, and sentimentality. I have alot of each.

On the topic of faith, I really feel that I was just born with it. It came instilled in me as part of my package. That, and the fact that I have a mother who is the epitome of faith itself, have carried me through any and every trial I've had to endure. There are times I want to throw my hands up in the air and say I've had enough~that life is too hard and these challenges aren't getting me anywhere. But I always know to the depths of my soul that there is a God who loves me and sees me through every last second of every single day. The fact that He is able to orchestrate my life years in advance with the right people and blessings leaves me flabbergasted and in awe. I'm grateful He loves me enough to organize even the smallest details of my life to bring love, miracles, and hope into my life.  So, on to the next 10 things about me...


-I wear a piece of jewelry every day that connects me to someone I love whether it's a ring of my grandmothers, earrings that Chad gave me, or an Eiffel Tower necklace from my daughter.

-When I get nervous I talk too much.

-I am a sentimental fool, full of mush. And that will never change.

-I believe in miracles. I have seen many. I will always ask for them.

-I've had heart surgery. It was one of the most unnerving things I've ever endured, but I'm so grateful I did it.

-Shoes are a passion of mine. I. Love. Shoes.

-Birds that sing early in the morning drive me bananas.

-My favorite scriptures are "comfort scriptures"….the fear not, I am with you ones.

-Sometimes a patch of blue sky no matter how small in the dead of winter makes the difference between sanity and craziness for me.

-I LOVE thunder. Lightning too.
The ring Chad, my parents and his parents got me for my 42 Birthday. It makes me smile every time I look at it!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

100 Things About Me

I know. Like you really wanted to know 100 things about Heather Winward.

I have found that when reading the blogs of people that I admire, I love knowing just a bit about who they are. Things I may have not known about them before. It helps me to relate to them and take their thoughts to heart.

I got this idea from a wonderful (blogger) friend of mine. I have known Sharon since junior high and am grateful to have her in my life again, if only through her blog and Facebook. She is a gifted writer. I delight in her thoughts and perspective. Sharon made a list on her blog like this and I agree~it's harder than you'd think.

Because I don't want to bore or overwhelm anyone I have decided to break this list up over a few posts. Introducing: me.

100 things about me: 1-10

-I LOVE. This is a weakness of mine as well as a strength. I love pretty much anyone, everyone. Even when you're rotten to me. I probably still love you.

-I truly believe I met and married my one true love~ Donald Chad Winward. The one that was meant specifically for me. The one I promised to find here on earth. My forever part of my heart.

-I live for my family. Everything else is just a bonus.

-Above all other aspirations in life I've always wanted to be a wife and mother. Dream realized.

-I really do want world peace. I don't understand why we can't achieve it.

-I love dressing nicely. But I love sweatpants even more.

-I do not love to camp.

-My home is heaven to me.

-I am happy with what I have.
-I have to wear earrings and mascara every day. Even if I'm sick. If I do not have them on you know I'm REALLY not feeling well.

My family, my treasure.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Life is a grand adventure

I don't have enough time in any given day to do even a fraction of what I'd like to. So now I've decided to add blogging to my never ending list. Why? Mostly to help me organize and contain my never ending thoughts and give them an outlet, to let them see the light of day, and then decide if they still make sense. We'll see how things go.
I read the blogs of several of my friends and they inspire me enormously. Hopefully they will receive proper credit and attention at some point during this process.
My goal is to achieve a little peace of mind and hopefully inspire others at least a little . I'm also dreaming that this will leave a "snapshot" of me for my children and posterity~I picture a future grand daughter visiting with her physician someday and when he asks, "So where did your "crazy gene" come from?"  my grand daughter will be able to say, "Read this blog. It explains everything."
As for the paisley glasses, I have an affinity for paisleys~Paisley was my nickname in high school~and everything on here will be through my eyes. Hope you're ready!