Sunday, May 25, 2014

One Light, One Sun

One of my favorite books that I used to read to the children in my preschool and then later to my own children is One Light, One Sun by Raffi. It is actually the lyrics to Raffi's song in book form. The gist of the words in this song are that we are all one no matter what race, religion, or culture we belong to. I'm grateful my parents raised me to believe this message. I was raised all over the United States and have appreciated the easy way that my parents led us in embracing all people no matter where we happened to be. This example set the pattern for my life and I see an apparent love for all mankind in my children already.

This idea of embracing all people becomes very exciting to my family when we are able to travel outside our comfort zone (literally and figuratively) and be in places where we are exposed to amazing people we might otherwise never  meet. Our recent cruise to the Bahamas was a grand adventure in color and culture and we could not have enjoyed it more. We loved it, reveled in it, and were amazed. Just the variety of colors in people is so beautiful and fascinating! On our cruise we were reacquainted with a dear friend of ours named Annie. Annie is from France and has the most beautiful skin. She is warm and genuine and beautiful. I feel like we knew her in heaven and we are so very blessed we have been able to see her twice now in our travels.
Annie and the girls
Annie and Meghan on Pirate Night
Annie congratulating Cassie on her engagement
Just writing about this makes me emotional. Annie and the others we met on our cruise are burned into our hearts. Richie from Jamaica is a huge, beautiful, happy man. To see this big man leaning over a 2 year old to cut up chicken was the cutest thing I've ever seen. It warmed me to the depths of my soul. Our Head Server, Celo is from Turkey. He said that now we were all together, we would be family. I love that! These people are family. Now and forever.

Celo and the girls

Richie and the girls on Pirate Night
I love the fact that we can be one. I feel so very blessed to be able to have met these beautiful people and to have seen so many more from all walks of life. They each have a place in my heart. The best part is, these is still a ton of room left for many, many more. And I am grateful.

Now bear with me as I post photos of our journey....a little at a time.
The hug goodbye-with a great photobomb by Meghan

Seatbelts everybody!

To the airport

I LOVE flying! Can't wait to get there.

My handsome chauffer

Seated for takeoff

READY for takeoff!

On the runway


The Disney Fantasy leaving Port Canaveral, FL  the day before our cruise.
We saw this from our hotel balcony.


The pier just yards from our hotel in Cocoa Beach, FL

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Through the Good and the Bad and Ugly

Our lives are speeding by. I'm planning a wedding that is less than a month away. We are going on a week long cruise that I'm trying to get ready for. I am trying to finish up my work for the year at my school. I am worrying about my ailing dad and wondering if I am going to get to be his kidney donor.  I feel like I catch a part of my day and grab on as quickly as I can then hold on for the ride to the end of the day, and hope I make it through without wrecking too much or flubbing too many of my words up. As much as I like to make every moment count, I realize some days are just going to be a drill in survival mode. I've given a lot of thought recently to what the word patience really means. I'm realizing it contains a very lengthy definition to be properly understood. I'm working on a blog post about patience, but it is for another day.

Today, I want to focus on the good things each stressful day brings, and mention that survival really does bring out some of the best that's within us. With each hurdle I jump I find strength and find pleasure in the simplest of things just because they have made my day better.
A simple, happy moment.

I got a new CD this week. I've been raving about a song on it for months now. American Authors has a song called Best Day of My Life. If I listen to that song, it is.....the best day of my life. That song makes me happy in an instant. It makes me grateful and reminds me I have the power to make each day the best-through the good, the bad, and the ugly. I highly recommend the whole CD. Every song on it is good. Every song is upbeat. Every song has a message or something I can relate to. A simple CD and I'm having a great day. Some days a simple thing is all it takes. And I'm grateful.