Wednesday, November 22, 2017


I almost didn't put this post up. Shame on me.

*apologies ahead of time for the number of photos I will be sharing... it's a great way to tell the story*

I live by these words~ "In a world where you can be anything, be KIND".  This is who I want to be. So I strive to get better with this; I yearn to keep this a part of my heart and my nature.

What should happen to me if I dismiss gratitude :)

So I try. And I realize the redundancy in this post, as I end most of them with '"and I am grateful". BUT I AM- I truly  am. It doesn't matter that gratitude is seen as cliché at this time of year... (yes, someone actually said that!) my gratitude is bubbling to the surface, so I'm getting it out. As someone who practically bleeds gratitude, I'm sharing...

As I sit below my mountain in my little 70's split level home that will never be fully renovated, I am grateful for a beautiful home. For the comfort it provides. For the fact that is isn't perfect, but perfect for me. For the memories I have made raising my children here and making lifelong friends here and the fact that my children burst out in tears and pleas of "no!!!" when we talk of finding or building a newer, less needy home. I love my home. I love the people in it. After watching hurricanes, floods, and fires sweep the earth this year, I am beyond grateful for the perfect (for us) little home with everything I could possibly need and so much of what I want already in it. I am happy and content in it. I love it.

My little home-it's not perfect, but it's perfect for me.
Notice my two boxers (at the end of the drive way) who have since
gone to Heaven to be with my dad.

My spectacular thoughtful spot in my back yard

The work crew in our home...continually employed!!
Ben Lomond Peak right in my back yard-this was before we built the gazebo.

My beautiful St.Maarten is never going to be the same again...Oh the gratitude I have
for my sweet little home-there are so many without a roof over their heads.
Though I have been blasted by others for feeling this way, I have immense gratitude that my dad has returned home to Heaven. I miss him dreadfully. There are times that I miss him so much I can't draw in breath, but that doesn't take away from my feelings of peace that HE is at peace. His body is whole, he is no longer hurting, no longer ill, no longer fighting. I have absolute faith that he is doing wonderful things from Heaven and that he watches over and helps everyone I love with his newfound perspective of eternity. I know he is with me and that he, in tandem with my Heavenly Father are continuously working for my good. For my family's good. For the good of mankind. Christmas will be very different without his presence on earth. It will be hard to have my "real Santa" gone, but I am determined to live Christmas fully, absolutely, and without reservation to honor him.
Unforgettable Mike Summers aka "The Real Santa"

With that said, I am grateful my Christmas is 90% up. Yes. Yes I am. I'm grateful that Christmas music will be pouring from the radio at my mom's while we count our blessings at Thanksgiving dinner. I am grateful that when Thanksgiving dinner is over, my Christmas is ready and I do not have to worry about anything but enjoying the Season with the people I love. I am honoring my father with Christmas in my mind, my heart, and my home. There will be no apologies or shrinking when neighbors approach and ask me why I can't wait until Thanksgiving is over. I can't. Thanksgiving and Christmas are the best of partners, marrying gratitude and the spirit of giving-producing a feeling of love that can't be duplicated, but can be enjoyed by all who let it. I love you dad.

See? My turkeys are up and everything...along with Christmas as well.
My nativities will replace the turkeys on Friday.
I have been able to get ready for the most wonderful time of the year by being blessed with the ability to heal. My recent visit to the ER (see last post) has caused a mountain of debt, horrific amounts of pain, and ugliness on my entire right leg. But as I am in the middle of week 5 with this injury, I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I am healing. I am grateful. I have felt prayers and Heaven's hand in all of it. I have learned a lot along the way-one of those things being that life surely is precious-and that you only get one chance to live it and experience it. So boy-howdy do I want to live and love well. Thank you God for the tender mercies that came from my tragedy. I won't forget what I have learned.

5 weeks ago up until now. Slow but sure. I'm getting better!
My list could go on. The last year has been a booger but I have learned so much. I am grateful for clouds and that there is ALWAYS a silver lining.

I'm grateful for my Mustang. I LOVE MY CAR. Not because of what it is but what it represents. I didn't buy it for anything other than the love of driving, connecting with the experience, and that with it, I have freedom. I feel like Jack Sparrow and the Black Pearl when I'm escaping in my Blue Streak. I understand completely.

My Blue Streak
I'm grateful for experiences...meeting people, seeing wonders, traveling, learning, working, playing, BEING. AND LOVING.

Of all the blessings I count every day the ones that consume me the most are the people. The loved ones God sent into my life specifically for me. My family-immediate and extended, blood relations and ones made in the heart. My friends-near and far, seen and not seen, old and new. The people that touch my life with their words and deeds, thoughts and prayers, influences and inspirations. I am so blessed. I know what I have. I don't forget. And whether it's redundant or not, I proclaim to the world and to God Himself that I AM GRATEFUL.