Monday, November 18, 2013

A **CUTE** Little Update

My heart is full. People are good. There is happiness out there to find and to share. There is love to receive if we open our hearts for it.

Last week was a doozie! Hard. Stressful. Busy. Sad. And so full of good things. For every hard thing I got to see 10 good things. Good deeds. Kindnesses. Miracles. Great performances.

I had a little bit of interest in my project for veterans and soldiers last week. Not much, but people asked questions and wanted details, so I was happy to supply these things. I hoped there would be more interest displayed but was grateful at the response nonetheless. This morning when I walked into work, the basket I had set on the faculty room table was full of the most darling cards you've ever seen. They grabbed at my heart and just about choked me to tears. Most of them were made by first graders. Take a look and see what you feel...
The ultimate tear-jerker for me:
"Dear Veteran, I want you so bad to come back and live in the world."

Translation: "Dear Veteran, Thank you for fighting in the war because you save our world."

I love the reindeer teetering right on the point of the roof  :)
Along with these gems I had cards from church groups, families, and scout groups to send. What a wonderful heart-lifting moment that gave me. Again, I'm amazed at the timing. I found out before work this morning that someone my family loves left this world to be an angel in Heaven. I was prepared to face the day with a set smile, knowing that throughout the day I would be reduced to tears because of loss. I had no idea my tears would also include ones of joy in them. I'm grateful for goodness and silver linings and the kindness around me. And cute little updates like these.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Adding Up the Gratitude

I love this time of year when people make an extra effort to acknowledge the things they are grateful for. I love to see the things we notice in our lives that there are reasons to give thanks for. Facebook is full of "gratitude posts". Posted there are the small and simple things in life that can be taken for granted or the big miracles that are bestowed, and many more gifts in between, but the variety is endless and adds up quickly.

Though I have not participated in the one thing each day of November trend, I try to make sure I show gratitude as often as possible. I KNOW I am blessed. I enjoy concentrating on my blessings and finding the things that might otherwise be counted as coincidence or karma.

As yesterday was Veterans Day, I gave alot of thought to the men and women who so selflessly leave their families and life as they know it to go serve our country and protect our freedoms. I am so very grateful for their sacrifice! I have so much because of those willing to put their lives on the line in the name of freedom and goodness. Thank you Veterans as well as all those currently serving. I owe a debt I cannot repay except to pray for your safety and for your families, and continue to love this country I'm so blessed to live in. You're my heroes! Here is a great link to a site that is all about heroes and Veterans Day:
Speaking of heroes,
I am trying to do a little something for some of our heroes. I invite you to act if you feel the need to do so. When you are sending your Christmas cards out this year, take a minute to write an extra one with a note of thanks to a soldier who may not be receiving one this year. Or just send one because you are grateful for the service provided by our armed forces. I am collecting them for a service project at my school but am also adding several extras to my own personal list at home. And thank you in advance. Hopefully the dividend will be JOY for you as well as those you are sending a greeting to.

Some of the info:
Anyone who wants to send a greeting card to a Holiday Hero can do so with my greeting card system. We print it, We stuff it, We stamp it and We mail it for you. AND WE PAY FOR IT!  CLICK SEND A CARD
 - Mail Cards to: Holiday Mail for Heroes, P.O. Box 5456 Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5456 | Cards and Stamps are FREE!
Some of my homemade cards we are sending to soldiers

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Catch Up

I have a few odds, ends, and details to add to the things I've already written, so this time there will be a potpourri of mish-mashed statements and photos. I will play catch up~ and hope you can KEEP up!

So for all those who have been asking, here is a picture of me in my massive belt (see October Humor Me post).
I promised my soul~sister, Kim, that I would take a picture of myself in it. I'm sure it will be used in some kind of blackmail scheme in the future, but I would do pretty much anything for her, so here goes.

I realized after it was taken that the angle of this makes me look massive in this room. I guess it makes my massive belt all the more appealing!
Me in my massive belt
Another picture I need to add is of a gift I received. I had one of my little first graders hop out of the car as soon as her mom hit the curb this morning. She came running up to me, threw her arms around me and said, 'Heather, I have a present for you! I made it myself!" She pulled out the most beautiful piece of toilet paper I've ever seen! She had traced the flower pattern on it in magenta marker. I told her it was beautiful and she said, "Well, it was so beautiful I thought of you!" It kind of melted my heart. I think I am going to get that toilet paper laminated and put it in my special box!
The most beautiful toilet paper ever
My little kids at school certainly have a direct line to my heart~as well as my funny bone, but no more so than my own family does. I am delighted by the things my family does on a constant basis. Not only do they make me laugh, but they make me think and touch my heart. So in no particular order here goes...

I dropped this fortune on my bathroom floor when I was sneaking a fortune cookie one night. I walked into my bathroom the next afternoon to find that my Meghan had once again told me she never wants to move! I laughed so hard!!
I guess we are NOT moving any time soon!
Then today I was reading a blog of a wonderful family member of mine. She artfully stated what I have ALWAYS believed (and I hope it's okay if I use her words exactly): "As human beings, we are given the capacity to love endlessly and tirelessly." I love that. It's so true. I know the world would be a much happier place if we would all realize~and then remember it!

Sometimes when Cassie is working, she will be so delighted with the children she takes care of that she fires texts off to our whole family to tell us the latest cute thing the kids are doing. I love it that she loves her job and loves those kids. She'll be a wonderful little mother~SOMEDAY. Someday being the key word here. I've got to get through the wedding first!

Lastly, I'm always grateful for the sense of fun and adventure that my family keeps alive in me. My Meghan has been literally counting the days until THOR 2 comes out and it is this Friday. Chad, being the wonderful man he is, got the 3 of us tickets to it and he got them in 3~D! I will most certainly come out of the theater with a raging headache and slight dizziness, but watching Meghan get starry-eyed over such a studly hero will be worth it. As my friend Jay says (and he gets quoted a lot) "LIFE: Bring it!"

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Sweet Relief

My absolute favorite moment of the entire year is the minute I lock the front door after the trick-or-treaters are gone on Halloween. The second that job is done, Halloween comes down, the turkeys and cornucopias come out, and as far as I'm concerned, the most wonderful time of the year with friends and family and love begins.
I don't love Halloween. I don't hate it, but it is not my favorite time of year. I do love decorating for it...and I'll admit I love the cutesy and clever side of Halloween much more that I like any of the ghoulish, macabre sides of it. As I work at an elementary school, I get a kick out of the children dressing up for our parade, and how excited they get to show me their costumes. I'm amazed at the creativity and resourcefulness that some of these kids and parents have to dream up and then make such fantastical things. It's fun to watch. I don't mind answering my door and handing out candy. I like to share. I've never liked the idea of tricks on Halloween. It doesn't sit well with me. But aside from all that, it just isn't a holiday I love.
My daughter Cassie, on the other hand, LOVES Halloween. When I asked her why she said because it's a whole day when you can be anyone in the world.  I thought a lot about that. For her, and on that day, what a great concept to be anyone you want to be. But I also thought, well, isn't that what life is? To be who we want to be. I mean, to break it down, if I want to be a kind person, it's entirely up to me. Even if I am surrounded by mean and petty people, I can still be kind and choose how to react to them. If I want to be a guitarist, I need to be willing to sit down , figure out how to make my instrument sing, and practice with all that is in me. Meghan wanted to be a pirate...and she was a gorgeous one!
Pretty Pirate Meghan
Cassie as Cruella
Gorgeous sisters in crime!
Some things take time and practice and learning to become. But the option to become who you want to be is ever present and even then, changeable. That's inspiring to me. Cassie might be inspiring dressed as Cruella, but in less than a year she will become a great man's wife.

We can be who we want to be and then guess what? You can change your mind. Now it may take work or adjustment but it can be done. What a gift.