Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Miracle Round

I had a little girl come up to me today at recess. She was bursting at the seams with news of her weekend. She and her family and friends went to the "Miracle Round" and had the best time ever! At first I was confused at what the "Miracle Round" could be, but this little bundle of exuberance explained that it is a really fun place where you go up and down and no matter if you're up or down, it just makes you so happy! It came around to the fact that she had been on the merry-go-round, and it was horses that had gone up and down. But it got me thinking...her innocent and wonderfully childish delight put a whole new perspective on life for me. A perspective that I hope to realize again and again.  Life is a miracle round. With all the ups and downs it is a miracle just to be alive and be LIVING! To have made it through the day. Even with all the poopy things that can happen in a day (yes, I said poopy) I'm always grateful to be reminded of the simple things, the simple moments, the simple blessings.

Some of the simple things that have come to my attention so far....

A bouquet of gorgeous lilacs hand delivered to me just because.....and the delicious scent that is coming from them.

A two minute neck and shoulder rub from my oh-so-busy and ever amazing husband before he ran outside to finish the lawn.

A necklace he ordered for me because he knows how much I love my job, and how grateful I am to be surrounded by sweet little spirits who need my love and my encouragement.
Rain that is desperately needed in the forecast, and knowing thousands of my friends and neighbors have been praying for it.

Knowing my candle stash is just one set of stairs down from me, and if I need a hit of scent to calm or comfort me I can dash down for one.

Having my "thoughtful spot" outside. I find my Zen there almost every evening.
Texting with my sisters.

Seeing that there is ALWAYS, ALWAYS good in the world.
Listening to my clever daughters and my "son" banter and feel the love and fun between them.
Knowing true love exists, that it takes work, that it is meant to be work, and being grateful to be working on it.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Uno Mas (one more)

One more school story for the week. I'm not making any promises about next week!

It's amazing to me that children always choose great moments to lift you. I believe this is partly because of their innocence and natural ability to love, but I also believe these perfectly timed moments are heaven sent as well.

In kindergarten this week I had several darling conversations with a little girl. Once these conversations were pieced into one big story it absolutely tickled me as well as gave me a little dose of much needed confidence and self-esteem. Here's how things went...

 Girl: Miss Heather, do you have any kids?
Me: Yes, I  have some daughters.
Girl: Can I have a play date with them?
Me: Well, honey, they are a little grown up for you.
Girl: Oh. That's kind of sad!

Girl: Miss Heather, how old are your girls?
Me: Well, one is in high school and the other is married.
Girl: Can I see them?
I pull up pictures of my girls on my phone and show her.
Girl: Those girls are grown up.
Me: Yup honey, they are.
Girl: Well, that's kind of sad.

Girl: Miss Heather, I don't understand why I can't have a play date with your girls.
Me: Well honey, I told you they were all grown up. They usually don't have play dates anymore.
Girl: No Miss Heather, I mean I want to play with YOUR kids!
Me: Those are my kids. My girls are big girls.
Girl: No they aren't. I want to play with the kids you have at your house.
Me: Those really are them honey. I have grown up girls.
Girl: I just don't understand. Those can't be your kids! You have no wrinkles and your hair is still yellow!
Me...speechless...really I want to just scoop this girl up and give her the biggest hug ever! She made me smile and it made my day! I have found that no matter what kind of day I am having, or how poorly I think I might be handling things, I get to experience little gems like this throughout each day that make me happy and light-hearted. Tender mercies sent from heaven's littlest of angels. And for that I am grateful.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Today I received  a beautiful,  sweet, heart-felt gift that touched my soul and renewed my spirit. It was simple, as gifts go, but the value it held for me was beyond any I could name.

Let me just say that I have received many gifts in my lifetime.  I cherish each one because just the act of giving a gift takes thought and heart. I am touched that someone would just make the effort to let me know they were thinking of me. I absolutely relish giving gifts of all sizes and varieties. It feeds my soul to give and I hope it fills the souls of the recipients to know they were thought of.

Well, today my soul was filled by a darling little first grader during lunch. This little boy already has the sweetest spirit and is so earnest in his need to be kind and thoughtful.  He has a wonderful imagination and is so willing to share all the amazing thoughts that run through his head.  I love him. He makes me smile. During a crazy spurt in the lunchroom I had half a dozen first and second graders  surrounding me, each of them having need of my attention .  This boy walked up to me and stood  holding something cupped  in his hands, waving his arms together in the air.  I nodded to him,  letting him know I would be with him soon.  He stood patiently for me while I helped the other children who had gotten to me before he did. When he got to me a glorious little moment unfolded before me.

"Miss Heather, this is for you.  A treasure among treasures for you, a princess." Then he took this tiny seed he had found in his apple and put it in my hand. And for a minute I really did feel like a princess...all because of an apple seed and a six year old boy. His gift made my day. It made me see good, it made me feel good. Would that I could make someone feel that good at least once a day for the rest of my life. That would be priceless.

One of the best gifts ever!