Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The End

I love happy endings. I've been a sucker for them for as long as I have heard stories and fairy tales. The first one I remember is from Cinderella. From then on my love of happy endings grew exponentially. I'm a romantic at heart.

I am also a realist. I understand that "the end" in a movie isn't always "the end".  There is almost always more to the story; another tragedy to endure, a problem to be solved, another character added. Happy endings are often momentary and last until the next event surfaces. That being said, I still love happy endings and believe in them with everything in my soul.  And my fondest wish is that everybody has one. Man is that he might have joy. Joy is a must.

Sometimes the journey to the happy ending is rocky. Perilous footsteps can mark the path to happily ever after. I guess that is what makes a happy ending so sought after. It's why we humans crave them. I've muddled through my own messes to give me some of my happy endings. I have experienced bad relationships that made me appreciate what I have in Chad as my soul-mate. I have endured more than one scary diagnosis to get to a point where I am so grateful and in awe of modern medicine and the miracles of Heaven. The journey to good things takes gumption, courage and strength. Sometimes I can hardly muster enough for my journey-let alone someone else's. Though I wish I could walk everyone through theirs, I know that is impossible and impractical. There are times when I can't even make it through a movie where someone has to endure what seem to be impossible situations. While reading history books is extremely intriguing to me I cannot stomach some of the atrocities that humans put each other through. I have been known to hurl a good book across the room because of the unfairness placed upon mankind. But rest assured I am cheering, praying and hoping for the best possible outcome for everyone. I may not be right there with you, and may even have a hard time handling your story and what you've been through, but I want your happy ending. I want the joy for you. Hang in there. It's waiting for you. (Every last one of you.) Be grateful.
The beginning of my happy ending
Two nerdy kiddos in love
23 years later....

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Opinions Vary

I think in this world of  modern technology and information at your fingertips it is so easy to be misled and misinformed.  For every article  and news blurb on any given topic there is another one that has opposing "facts" and "research" that contends with the first one. Although I have suspected this for years,  this past week has shown that even our "trusted" sources lie and embellish to boost ratings and glorify careers. While I look for places to gather  information,  I have a hard  time forming my  own opinions about issues at hand because I cannot tell which details have been fabricated and which ones  lie closer to the actual truth. Sadly I don't think we ever get to hear the whole truth in any situation because a) there is ALWAYS more than one side to EVERY story and b) we never know  which story is  being presented to us (the storyteller's, the victim's, the aggressor's etc). Things get twisted, opinions become gospel, and facts get skewed. What is the truth?

Because I don't want to be pessimistic, I have decided the only way to wade through the dizzying onslaught of misinformation is to create an informed opinion from what looks to be the closest to the truth, then follow my heart. It usually tells me what I need to know.

When I profess to have an informed opinion about the people that I work with, and talk about how amazing they are, I rely on my experiences with them and the way I feel when I am around them. Knowing that there is good in everyone is a solid basis for my opinion, and when I pair it with the wonderful actions of these people, it paints a pretty good picture of what is truth. I have watched the administration, teachers, and staff  at my wonderful little elementary school give all they have to ensure the success of the children they serve. There are grueling, tiresome, patience-trying days that these people wade through because they know there is something bigger that they are working toward. They know the reward is bigger than the sacrifice.  They work, they love, they persevere, they facilitate. They know that what they are doing makes a difference to little human beings (and big human beings too!)  They see the goodness in others. I see it in them.

So accept this informed opinion of a lowly aide who gets to participate in miracle making every day. It's research based and felt in my heart.  I am grateful.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Let There Be Light

One of my favorite movies is Rise of the Guardians. It is a movie about a group of mythical beings who are called to protect the dreams,  innocence and beliefs of children.  Each of these beings has a center,  or gift  that helps them to fulfill the charge they are given to be guardians. Though I am always extremely hesitant to point out any gifts I see  in myself,  I do acknowledge I have  a few qualities that I hope help me to be a guardian of sorts. There is a certain point in the movie where Santa Claus asks a "new" guardian what his center (or gift) is. I turned to my husband Chad and asked him what mine is. With no hesitation whatsoever,  he said, "Light." His answer thrilled and humbled me. I want to see light,  I want to give  light,  I want to find light,  I want to BE light. There have been many times that Chad's answer has rescued me from feelings of self doubt and worthlessness. I'm so grateful he sees the good in me!
Rise of the Guardians
If light is truly my center, part of my gift is that I have always been able to see it in others. Though I have a hard time seeing it in myself, it is ALWAYS apparent to me in everyone else. I have always wished people could see themselves as I do. The world would be a different place if we could see the goodness in ourselves through another's eyes.

Last week I had an exhilarating opportunity to meet someone who I have long admired. For the most part,  I am not impressed by fame.  I am happy for people who can achieve fame if that is their desire, but  my feeling is that we are all humans and are all worth the same.  I do not feel that anyone is better than anyone else,  especially because of material gain,  or because of more exposure to the world.  So fame is not important  to me but I was beyond excited to meet this man, who is an international star (Matt Smith, the 11th Doctor in Doctor Who). He had also been on my bucket list of people to meet. I loved having that opportunity!
Matt Smith-the 11th Doctor Who

On the way home as I was coming down from the adrenaline rush that had gotten me through the week,  I was contemplating why this experience was so wonderful for me. If fame means nothing to me, what was the draw? In an instant, I knew. I wanted to meet Matt because I see his light. I can feel his spirit. I've felt it through the television for years, and I have always known the kind of man he must be. I was right. I could feel the light coming from him before we even walked behind the curtain to be greeted with his kind, generous spirit and his warm hugs. Even though we got less than 2 minutes with him, our souls were warmed completely by his graciousness and genuine sincerity . Every person who walked out after meeting him said the same things: he's so kind, he's friendly, he's so nice! (And he has miles of charm to boot!) I am very grateful to my Meghan who paid for this opportunity and let me come along for the ride. It was marvelous to experience this with her sweet spirit and soak in a little of Matt's essence along the way. I am also grateful to a husband who supports my geekiness, ignores my flaws, shows me the light within myself, and realizes he will always be my number one!