Monday, April 28, 2014

True Story

I'm noticing lots of things right now. Some should be no brainers, but maybe I'm aware of  them now because the lessons from them have not sunk in enough yet. I am gaining random yet important views on all kinds of situations, and I'm going to share a few. I wish I had enough time, space, and attention from my readers to discuss WHY and HOW I am aware of these things right now, but maybe by leaving this discussion open, my readers will find ways that these realizations fit into their own lives.
There are angels around us EVERY day, in every minute, in every circumstance. Our acknowledgement of them is the key. They surround us in human and heavenly forms. I'm learning to feel their presence, acknowledge their existence and listen to their whisperings. I'm always grateful for them.

There are good people around us too. Some of them are good in quiet, steady ways and others produce grand acts of kindness at the most unexpected moments. Many times goodness comes when we act on promptings . People act on them regularly. People are blessed regularly.

Most of us are constantly looking for opportunities to help others. Most of us love that feeling when we are able to act in service. Allowing others help us gives them that same feeling. Accepting love and kindness is a way of enabling everyone to have that feeling of peace and tranquility that comes from service. Receiving kindness is a virtue.

EVERY SINGLE PERSON in this world needs attention. Whether they admit it or not, feeling loved, accepted, noticed and understood is a human need.  Taking time to acknowledge this need in others makes for an easier life for everyone.

EVERY person in the world is dealing with some kind of pain....emotional, spiritual, physical,mental~some times one kind, some times all kinds. Being kind eases pain on all sides.

EVERY person in the world has SOMETHING to be grateful for. I don't care how crummy your life is. Actually I really do care if your life is crummy, but I also know there is ALWAYS a blessing to be found. Even if it's only the blessing of experience. Some days I have to be grateful that I have hair on my head and that my nose is in the right place.

Time always marches forward no matter how much we want to freeze it, go backwards in it, or slow it down. I am trying to revel in each minute instead of wish I could change time in some form or another. I know it will take my lifetime to get that right.

No matter what I learn or realize there is something right around the corner that garners my attention in my life-schooling. There is much to discover to make a life well lived. True story.

Monday, April 21, 2014

We Are (Still) Family!

I had the most fabulous opportunity last week when my dad's 3 brothers made the trek from various parts of California and Nevada to see him (and in turn, the rest of us.) We haven't seen much of them since I became an adult~mostly because the circumstances of life and locations have made us less accessible to each other. I have always adored my 3 uncles. They are handsome, fun, creative, and just plain wonderful men. Though we have shared a few hours together here and there over the last several years, I have felt slightly removed from them, so I was a little bit nervous (yet extremely excited) for our reunion.

As is usually the case with me, I worried for no reason. When we arrived at my mom's to see "the brothers" there was a peace upon entering the front door. I walked in and saw my father with his 3 brothers together again~ just as it should be. I knew without a doubt that their parents were smiling down from Heaven. I could feel their joy permeating the room. There were hugs and kisses, stories and jokes, and I knew that even with all the miles that separate us, we are still very much and in every way FAMILY. I cannot thank my uncles enough for taking the time to bring us together. There are most certainly many times when LOVE is definitely enough. Love you guys!
This photo is one of my treasures!
Left to right: my dad, Dennis, Kerry and Roc

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Not Afraid of Love

I have a dear friend who has been through some unspeakable, unbearable things in her life. She made it through them intact, and very grateful for life and its blessings. I admire her immensely. I love her dearly. Something I ADORE about this person is that every time we speak, e-mail or text, she tells me she loves me. When she drives past my house she yells, "I love you!" to me. She tells everyone in her life that she loves them. All the time. She has learned what life is about. It is about learning to love. It is about opening your heart. It is about letting others know they are loved and important. And she is so good at all of that! She values life and the people in it. No one is taken for granted. It doesn't cost a thing. Love only grows when it's given away. It cannot diminish unless we let it diminish within ourselves. That would be a tragedy~and the world has enough tragedies already.
'Nuff said.