Saturday, December 14, 2019

But HOW?

This is my mantra. This, or some version of it. I have to repeat it often, as I'm sure everyone in the world does. I tell this to myself even more often right now. This is my favorite time of year. I steadfastly refuse to let anything dampen my Christmas Spirit. It is essential to my well being and to my soul. It is also imperative that I honor Christmas in the memory of my father and sister. This I must do. No matter what. I never thought it would be an issue for me. 

Let's clarify that. It is not an issue for me to honor Christmas. It is my life's purpose-every day of my life. It is everything else in the world that makes me feel overwhelmed and not as capable. BUT Christmas does not overwhelm me. It exhilarates me. It brings me peace. It gives my life meaning and brings my soul hope. I could make a laundry list of the things in my life that are sucking my essence like a flippin vacuum, but Christmas-yes, Christmas, helps me gain it again.
So how. How does one do this? How does one time of the year, based on one heavenly event of a lifetime build the soul enough to feel its worth? Well let me tell you my secrets.

I live Christmas. Yes, live it. I love the feeling this time of year. It's amazing to realize it never has to leave. Bring it with you. Let it permeate your being, and live the feeling of Christmas every day.

I give. I love to give. I was taught to give. I revel in it. You cannot give too much. It grows the heart and soul. Giving in secret is even more fun. There is a delight that you just can't get any other way.

I listen. To bells, to laughter, to crackling fires and music. I LOVE Christmas music. Especially the classics. Every Christmas song from Jingle Bells to Silent Night makes me cry. WITH JOY. I love it.  To me,  a time too early does not exist. We play hymns all year long. We all listen to our favorite songs from our childhoods (insert 80's music) even now. If Christmas music cultivates joy, why not hear it whenever you want? When I am missing my dad and I feel like I can't take another step without him, I turn on Johnny Mathis. Or Somewhere In My Memory from Home Alone. And while it can sometimes give me a good cry, it cleanses my soul like nothing else and helps me feel my dad's essence whenever I want.

I don't judge how you do your Christmas.  I want others to do Christmas the way that strikes their hearts most. Most people who know me know I love to prepare for Christmas all November long, so that when Thanksgiving is over, I can relax in my Christmas ready home. I STILL DO THANKSGIVING. But I do it with Christmas Spirit intertwined, and that brings a lot of joy to my soul. Some people wait, and that's okay. I don't waste my time, or my Christmas worrying about what everyone else is doing. Don't waste yours. Concentrate on YOUR joy, and just wish those around you all the joy they can handle.

I attend the things that are important to me. My school's choir concert. I quite literally grieved this year when I missed it. I didn't get tickets and had some pressing matters concerning my daughter's health the night of our concert. I cried. It's something I have never missed. I never want to miss it again. But there are events that give me joy. And those are the things I do. If it brings me stress or overwhelms me, I don't do it. I want this to be a time of peace.

I allow for change. This has been a hard one, but life changes. That is the way of it. I have learned I have to allow for new traditions or fine tuning of old ones. As long as Christmas Spirit is present, I know I'm on the right track even if it's a different one.

I look for miracles. Like my daughter being alive after her wreck. Like my friend Jay's life being saved after a near death experience. Like having my Mustang do a complete 180* turn around after almost being side swiped on the pass, and having the car end up facing the wrong direction, but being miraculously on the one part of the road that had a shoulder and a guard rail. Those miracles. But other ones too, both big and small. Those certainly fuel the flame of Christmas Spirit.

I see as many lights as possible. Studies show that humans crave light. We came from light-we were born with light. It's a need. Fill that need. The lights that are around are not commercialism or extravagances-they are a tribute to light. To the star in Bethlehem, to the child that lit the world with hope, to the light we can share with others. However you choose to view light, embrace it and pass it on. Light someone's candle. There's always more if we keep passing the flame.

I try to do things for others. One of my favorites is to send cards to Joshua Says Hello and encourage others to do so. This new tradition of ours has brought so much joy to us from so many unexpected places. It has been a delight and we have had an awakening of goodwill to many around us.
*for more information go to:
And read about this here:

OR.. just go ahead and send  Christmas card to:
Joshua Says Hello
P.O. Box 122
Franklin, ID 83237

I could go on. I really could. I revel in Christmas. It is one of the pure things we have on earth to bring us joy and promote goodwill. All sales and commercialism aside, how YOU choose to live it is what defines the way it will touch you and the ones closest to you.

I've struggled a little this year with all the things in my life. I have even had a few low times, but I have also realized that you can't force happy every second just because this is a season of joy. Embrace the feelings of sorrow and loss and change, but don't linger there too long. This is also a season of hope. And that's where my last secret comes in. OPEN YOUR HEART. That's right-crack that baby right open and let the light and love fill it right up. Receive love. Take in light. Store it away. You'll be a better you. You'll find joy. And we can be grateful.

Close your heart, they said. People can't hurt you if you don't let them in.
I can't, I said. It hurts not to love.
Don't give so much, they said. If people don't appreciate your love and efforts, don't waste it on them.
I have to, I said. Giving is the only way I know how to live.
Don't take their pain, they said, You have so much of your own. Don't take on anothers.
I have to, I said. My shoulders were built for it. I don't know any other way. I can carry it.
Stop caring, they said. It's just one person. You don't need this if they can't even validate you.
I can't, I said. I earn validation only by caring....through loving.
Spend Christmas on you, they said. You deserve joy too. 
I can't, I said, Christmas is JOY, and the only way I get joy is to give it in the first place.

I THINK I WILL BE....well.....ME.      ~Heather Winward 12/13/19
