Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Holy Ship!

Let's face it. This world is going to heck in a hand basket. I mean between the west half of the US on fire, the east coast and  islands from Hawaii to the Bahamas drowning, countries being shaken apart by earthquake and everything from drought to pollution so thick that everyone needs an inhaler-you'd think that would be enough to deal with. Add to that the petty jealousy of and by the rich and famous, unscrupulous politicians, picking apart flaws and belief systems, and things are looking even rougher. Then you add the people in the mix, and oh my.
Animals are sometimes nicer than people 😉
I LOVE people. But I'm scared of them. I know, I know. Love one another... And I do. I find people very easy to love. I find goodness in every human being. Even at their worst, I can find good.  Yet they continually surprise me. The things that a human can decide to do to another… it astounds  me! None of us can be perfect, but we can all be kind. There are humans that actually sit and think of horrible things to do to each other.  For revenge, because of self doubt, to feel superior, to gain control, because of hurt feelings.  We all get our feelings hurt.  We’ve all been injured by others. Sometimes physically, sometimes emotionally, sometimes mentally… there’s no way out of this life without experiencing hurt and insult. But sometimes people hurt just for the sake of hurting or because of the need for power. Some people hurt because they have been hurt. Some people hurt just to see if they can. Some people hurt because they care only about themselves. Some people are angry. Some people hurt to see how much they can get you to do before you give up on them. And therein lies the problem.
Thank you Kathy. I love you!!
The world has jumped ship on the people that live here. We have given up on each other...and seemingly with good reason. But giving up on the human race only makes the problem worse. It starts a ripple of negativity that travels quickly and is hard to contain. One person giving up on humans results in a lot of people losing hope-if they lose hope and jump ship there aren't as many to steer it to safety. The good gets smaller much more quickly. The ship is swiftly sunk. The fact of the matter is that we are here to make a difference. We are here to lift each other up. Our job is to see the good. Our lives are meant to find it. We are meant to look through all the toil and drudgery  and find some goodness in it... some piece of Heaven to keep us going. That is what gives life meaning. Finding the divine in each other. Finding salvation amongst the wreckage. Noticing the pieces of paradise in the squalor.  Acknowledging the redemptive qualities in the natural man. Each of us needs that from others. To have our good be seen when we are weak. To have our hope restored when we have failed. To have our  spirits lifted when we fall short. To not be given up on no matter how far we have fallen. TO FIND DIVINITY in the human race helps us find it in ourselves. So we can't give up on others. No matter how much they have disappointed us, or how much they have hurt us, or how much they have taken from us. To give up only perpetuates the domino effect of jumping ship and giving up on the whole world. And we can't afford that.

I realize that we can't just roll over and let ourselves be steamrolled and beaten by the same people again and again. That is self-defeating. But to give up on one is to give up on all. We all have a little devil inside. To let that define us would be a tragedy. We want our good works to be counted-not our mistakes.  I just watched a clip about a high school janitor who makes $11 an hour, yet he provides scholarships with his own money for students who need extra opportunities. Holy ship! That man is looking for good. He's just one example of many, many wonderful givers in this world. We could all take a lesson from him, especially when things start looking bleak. All he had to do was look and the good was right in front of him. He wanted good, so he became the good.
So perpetuate the good forward. Find the good in everyone and it will find it's way back around to you when you need someone to believe in you. Don't give up now. Now is when we need it most. Don't jump ship while there's still good reason to stay afloat. And we can all be grateful.