Friday, May 24, 2013


I've heard it said something to the effect that bravery isn't the absence of fear-it is facing your fear. I agree whole-heartedly with that and at times have felt I have faced my fears only because there is no other choice. Sometimes we get through trials because we have to; meaning we can shrivel up in defeat or move forward because there are others depending on us. In the end, I feel it is the fact that others are depending on us that literally saves us. Having someone need us gives us drive and endurance and reasons to get ourselves up out of bed each morning. I think God was very wise to surround us with people who need us.

This week I have mourned about various things. I have mourned the loss of a great man and especially mourned for his surviving family. I know Mark is doing wondrous things in Heaven~ he proved that within hours of his passing. I'm grateful for the tender mercies that God always has ready for us. I have worried about family members who are facing personal hardships or trying to heal both physically and mentally. I have felt such sympathy for the people in Oklahoma and the losses they must feel. My heart broke for a friend who had her faith  in mankind tested while she was with her family in Las Vegas. I could easily let myself fall into despair as I worry about others. There was a day I wanted to call in to work so I could sit home and worry some more. Gratefully, there were 600 children at my school who needed me to come fulfil my duties. I'm grateful to each one of them for pulling me out of myself and giving me a song in my heart. Honestly, having my wonderful family to wake up to each morning gives me drive to go and live and be better. I love that.

Sometimes being brave means facing a new day. Other times it is much more drastic. Sometimes it means facing a crowd and sometimes it means being alone. It means facing loss, and in the end accepting it (not to be confused with getting over it.) It means standing up for what is right and proclaiming truth. Sometimes just living is being brave. I'm so grateful for my reasons to be brave, and for my role models who show me what bravery is.

Sara Barielles Brave   this song made me brave today after watching one of my heroes be brave
A picture my Meghan found for me today~to help me be brave

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