Monday, June 17, 2013

(Life is) Short but Sweet

I love summer. I love spending time with my girls. I love not having a super-structured schedule. Although I love my job, and it provides extra money for...let's say new clothes when my 14 year old grows out of everything she owns-overnight. I mainly got a job because it keeps me from being lonely while my girls are at school and my husband is at work. Yes, it is my antidote to loneliness. And it's feels good to be doing something valuable with my time while also keeping myself in great company until my family is home with me. But back to summer. I love it.

One of the reasons I always think I'm looking forward to summer is because I have a to do list as long as my arm. All those things I can't seem to fit in during the school year. Cleaning out cupboards, organizing, shampooing carpets, cleaning out the garage-all those tasks that pile up. I have a schedule all made up by the end of April so I can get it done during the summer months. Then summer begins, and my schedule dissolves. For good reasons.

Last week I had reserved a day for organizing. Since both of my girls were going to be home I let them know not to make any plans and to be ready for a long day of cleaning and sorting out. We were even going to get up early-that is until we stayed up until 11:30 the night before. So the day began late but  we were on a roll for a couple of hours....then while we were taking a "short" breather we got wrapped up in one of our favorite shows-and ended up watching 5 episodes. We had a blast. Laughing, eating (in the Living Room even) and just enjoying being together. I love my children. They delight me. They are much wittier than I am and have awesome perspective on life. We had fun. And so I was taught once again-by my children-that life is short but full of sweetness and you have to grab that sweetness whenever you can-even if the closet still needs to be organized.
My sweets-eating sweets-and teaching me that life is sweet!

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