Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Silver Linings DO Exist!

I've been working on this one all day; hoping to word things correctly, make the most sense and even comfort a heart or two in the process. My mind has been in overload on this subject alone. Hopefully my words make as much sense written as they do in my head.

I am a silver linings kind of gal. I search for them. I beg for them. Sometimes I live for them. I believe that no matter how hard or wearying a situation is, good can ALWAYS come from it. Maybe not immediately. There are times that events are so heart wrenching it is hard to see past your own tears for awhile. But as vision clears there are always bright spots to cling to. It is one of the reasons I have made it through life this far. I am on a relentless search for good.

For example, I don't like death-and I don't know any person who does. I understand the physical facts of death and I think I grasp the spiritual meaning to the degree that my frail human mind can~but I don't like it. I don't like separation. I don't like holes left in the hearts of those left behind. I'm scared of the concept of forever (yes, I'm working on that one.) I mostly worry for the ones whose hearts are broken by death. I hurt for them and many times right along with them. Though I would never wish for anyones death or want any soul to go through losing a loved one, I cannot think of many things in this life that bring people together as beautifully as the passing of a loved one does. I recently attended a funeral that was just exquisite. I felt close to all the people who took the time to support and honor at that event. I saw people I haven't seen in 25 years! I was so happy to see so many of them and find out how they are doing. Though I dearly wish we hadn't met up under the circumstances of a funeral, I was still able to feel joy in the way we were all brought together. Silver Lining. Does that make sense?

Now I don't want to come across as Miss Sally Sunshine who thinks that everyone should be happy all the time. I know life is so hard. Even though it is wonderful, it can be enormously distressing and by all means I think you should be able to feel, process, mourn, and work through loss of any kind. But when you're done and can think past just surviving, look for those silver linings. Even the tiny ones. Those will get you through until the bigger ones show up, and though there really are some wounds will never completely heal, searching for the good things might help you do more than survive. You may even be able to live a little. As my friend Jay always says, LIFE: Bring It!

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