Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Winner is.....

I realize I am getting older by my thought process. I did not say I'm getting old. Older. I believe you are only old when you cop to it. I want to have a good attitude about aging. But back to my thought processes. Although my thoughts are rarely witty or quick responses they seem to get deeper the older I get. I think about what life means alot. I am finding I am quite opinionated about it. While I am still trying to get a handle on what I think life is about, I am deciding alot of what I think life isn't about. I'm guessing that as I weed that out, the meaning will become clearer to me. That being said, life itself means lot. It is wonderful. It's an opportunity. It's hard. It's a trial. It's amazing and meant to be LIVED. It's a huge matter of trust in God and what His plan is. Thank Heaven He is so much smarter than me.

One of my strong opinions is that life is not a competition. I have never valued rivalry anyway, and I realize that some people thrive on it. That is fine. If that's what drives you to do good and be a better person I think you're amazing. Competition just does nothing for me. I'm sure that competition has its place in society. It doesn't interest me. I think it's because I have never believed that anyone-no matter their talents, abilities, or standing in life-is better than anyone else. I believe one can make better choices than another, but no one stands above anyone. We're all God's children. Period.

On the other hand, I do believe we all have strengths and there are people who are definitely physically stronger than me, skinnier than me, smarter than me, a better artist than me, more creative than me etc.  I will never be physically able to run a marathon. But I can make a wonderful card to give someone-and then maybe just jog it over to them. I think it is SO cool that we are all different and that in areas where I lack, another can be strong. I think if you can shine and inspire others to do the same, that is a noble thing. But to be "better" just for the sake of saying I can does not hold value to me. What I want is to be a kinder person than I was yesterday. I want to have a stronger heart than I did a year ago (and that is taking alot of effort right now!) I want to be a better mom than I was last week and a better friend than I was last month. I want to be a better wife than I was last night when I was too tired to make dinner and gave my family pancakes (although of course they thanked me for making them anyway.) If I am to be in competition with anyone it will be with myself-to be a better, kinder, softer person who makes life better to those around me.

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