Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Humor Me

Have I said that I love my job? I'm very blessed to be able to be around goodness each day. I love my 600 little kiddos at school and all the wonderful faculty, staff, and parents that I spend my days with.

One of the things that makes my job so enjoyable is the interaction with the children and listening to the remarkable things that come out of their mouths. Some things are just sweet and innocent...

Girl at lunch: "Heather, do you think you could be my school mom? I just miss my mom so much during the day. If you could be my school mom I think I'll be okay."

And some things are sad.

Boy on the playground: "I'm really sad today."
Me: "What's up buddy?"
Boy: "My grandpa just died. I've been watching my mom cry for 2 days and I don't know what to do."
Me: "You know, I bet just being around you makes her feel better."
Boy: "No, she just says I remind her of him. "
What else could I do but just hug him? And be grateful he would share this with me so I could hug him.

Then there are the things that are light-hearted and memorable and delight me to the core.

Heard on the playground from 2 kindergarteners...
Boy 1: "Hey! Guess what? I Just went down the firepole for the first time!!!"
Boy 2: "Woah, dude! Was it scary?"
Boy 1: "Nah, I just cowboyed up."

Then in the lunchroom where I run around helping kids open milks and Gogurts, clean up messes, and try to keep general order with 150 kids at a time...

Boy: "So, Heather, I guess you're just like our maid, huh?"
Me: "I guess so, although I'd rather be more like your mom than your maid."
Boy: "Nah, you make a good maid."

I've got a million of these little golden moments. I need to write a book about them. But I'll leave  with the most recent and cutest one this week~I had kind of dressed up colorfully (instead of my usual blacks, greys and browns) for parent-teacher conferences and was wearing a belt and some boots with my outfit...

Boy: "Heather, I need you to come here!"  (I walk over to him and he grabs one of my hands in both of his, and gazes into my eyes.)
Boy: "Heather, I just want you to know you look AMAZING today!"
Me: "Well, thank you!"
Boy: "Heather, do you want to know why you look so amazing?"
Me: "Well yes, of course."
Boy: " Because your belt is so MASSIVE!"  

Needless to say, I am wearing that belt more often!

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