Friday, September 6, 2013

Little Things

I saw a rainbow over the playground before school on Tuesday morning. All the kiddos were pointing and showing me how beautiful it was. It was a great way to start the day. It helped me when I thought of its beauty through the remainder of my day.

I realize that little things like that are what get me through each day, and make each moment livable. Last night the sky was all shades of blue, purple, orange and pink. It was stunning. I stopped to stare at it for just a moment even though I was rushing out to the garbage can with a precious load of refuse. The fire in the sky slowed me down , gave me peace, and showed me it's wondrous self in all it's glory.
Then there's the note a sweet 2nd grader brought out to me on the playground just to tell me how much she loves  me and thinks I'm awesome!

I loved the time I got to spend with my Beehive class laughing and sharing ideas. It was so fun and heartwarming. There were many fun little moments.
And the hug I got from my Meghan as she showed me her new, brace-free teeth. What a gorgeous smile. And a great hug.
So many little things make life worth living. The big things are just a bonus. In celebration of the little things in life, here's my little list of just some of them....
Holding Chad's hand while watching TV
A thunder storm
Warm chocolate chip cookies
A hug...or two, or 3, or 10
A heartfelt thanks
The smells of Fall
Looking forward to an occasion
Sitting in a clean house
Getting the mail
Hearing one of my favorite songs
New opportunities
Watching fireworks
Freshly painted toenails
Sleeping in on a rainy morning
A great deal (and CLEARANCE is even better!)
Drying after a shower with a freshly laundered towel
A phone call from Chad during work hours
Getting to see my mom and dad
A trip to Taco Bell
Knowing I'm making a difference~even to one person
Making fun plans
Crossing things off of a to-do list
Watching my family enjoy something that I've cooked for them
Knowing I'm loved


  1. HEather, I think I need to copy your list and YOU have always made a difference in my life. Thanks for sharing all the little things that do add up to AN ENJOYABLE life if we know how to look at it. Thanks for helping me know how to look at it :)
