Saturday, July 9, 2022

Never Ending Story

I promised myself I would blog at least once every month of the summer. I'm having trouble settling on a topic. But a promise is a promise. 

I could blog about the craziness of the world, the state of the economy, the unrest in human-kind, the uncertainty in acquiring our basic needs, or the sense of being in an alternate reality almost every day anymore. But instead, I will write about the honor, resiliency, steadfastness, bravery, generosity, and benevolence I still see in the world. The good things that still happen. That miracles that still occur. The valiant acts that transpire in any given moment. The good that still exits.


Oh, the news would want you to believe otherwise. Those who look to interrupt our peaceful existence want you to lose hope. Those who work to propagate evil would want you to believe light has been snuffed out and only darkness remains in our future. I vehemently contest this sentiment, although I admit to being sucked into the propaganda every now and again. Even then, all I have to do is look at my circle-my village-and I know that light exists and there will always be good somewhere in the world. 

To say I love my village sounds small and trite. It doesn't even begin to cover the myriad and depth of emotions I have for my people. My people have loved me through good times and bad. They have believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. They rush to my side when I am falsely accused. They see the best in me. They will not have my name besmirched, but will champion me at every turn, and give me perspective along the way. My village knows me. My village knows I love them. My village knows I would do anything for them as well. My village is spread out-from the center of my household to the edges of my neighborhood to the far reaches of every state, and even across several countries. Some of my village is even in heaven.  EACH person plays an integral part in my life and has achieved purpose just by being. Yup-you got that right. You can play a role in someone else's life just by existing. And from there, the opportunities are wide open-the chances to help, save, nurture, and cheer. My village takes advantage of that fact and then some. You see, not only are they there for me, but for an infinite number of other people as well. I cannot give enough thanks to every single individual who has crossed my path; the ones that have come and gone, the ones I have yet to meet, and the constants who stay in my life in one form or another-your presence has been felt, done good, changed my life for the better, and brought miracles to me that I could get in no other way. Thank you. I love you. More than I can ever convey. But this post isn't just about me. 

I realize the title of my blog has yet to come into play. I don't know if you ever had the chance to see the classic 80's movie "The Never Ending Story", but if you haven't, it's worth the hour and 32 minutes it takes to watch it. It's cheesy, yes, but full of amazing things like bravery, trial, triumph, heroes, persistence, and my personal favorite: Falcor, the Luck Dragon! More in a moment....

I can't describe how desperately I want one of these!!!

Last weekend I sat in the most beautiful little city in Idaho. We chanced upon it last year and went up to see the "Best Fireworks Show This Side of the Mississippi". We were not disappointed last year, and found ourselves there once again to witness the magic. 

I LOVE AMERICA. I cannot stress this enough. I love my land.  I am patriotic, I was BORN THAT WAY. I bleed red, white, and blue. I LOVE my country. I love what my country is supposed to stand for. I love Liberty. I love being a land of opportunity. I love it that it is up to each person-no matter their circumstance-to take those opportunities and use them, or even make their own, and that anyone who works hard will find some form of success. I love it that we are a melting pot. I love the variety in our land. And I love the idea of being One Nation Under God. If your God is different from my God, we are still supposed to be one nation. I hope we get there someday. Nevertheless, I appreciate more than I can put into words the sacrifices our forefathers, our leaders who truly stand for America, our military, our communities, our workforces and our families have made to help us establish and keep this land that we love. May we never let it go. 

On the gorgeous drive up to Idaho, I marveled at the beauty of vast, wide open spaces, blue skies, and clouds to die for. I reflected on the opportunity I had a few days earlier to go help my mother and her friends in a cause that is dear to my heart and should be one that the world puts great focus on. Operation Underground Railroad  ( is a non-profit entity that raises money and awareness for human trafficking, and provides rescue, rehabilitation and resources for those who have been through this horrific, abominable ordeal. I can't even imagine the destruction being trafficked causes a soul. Well, my dearly departed father had a habit of collecting. Not on a small scale but on a grander scale than many can imagine. One of his items was model cars. Well over 7000 of them. Guess what? When he passed, do you want to know who got to deal with all those cars? My sweet mother. And the rest of us, but it has mostly fallen squarely on her shoulders and it has been overwhelming to say the least. The undertaking of cataloging alone is mind-boggling and time-consuming. Finally my mom got to a point that she felt something different had to be done. She has some friends who run the O.U.R. group in her area, and decided-after speaking with each of her daughters-to sell the cars and donate the proceeds*every penny*to O.U.R. Of course we agreed, and we all feel my dad is smiling upon this endeavor from heaven. Long story short, a few days before our venture to Idaho, I found myself with an open day where I could go show support and help run a booth at an event in Cache Valley. I can't describe the peace and goodness and light I received as I did this. (Honestly I hardly did a thing other than talk to customers and rearrange cars, but it was an amazing feeling.) On one side of our booth was the official O.U.R. booth with info, resources, and merchandise for this cause. We were in the middle, and on the other side of us were the amazing couple who run the DBSA (Depression and Bipolar-Support Alliance ) support groups in Cache Valley. Can you think of a better set-up? 
Kelly and Jan 

Kip and Kathy

My Dad-the collector

My beautiful, patient mom

At any rate, I was still thinking about this wonderful experience I had when we walked into the venue we had come for and saw the astounding amount of people, goodwill, patriotism, variety, togetherness and community. We were all there to celebrate one thing. America. The founding of it, the protection of it, the diversity in it, the blessing of it. I sat there in amazement as tears streamed down my face and I witnessed the tribute to America that was so generously provided to us. It dawned on me that there is always light. Always good. A never ending story of it. Yup. There's the tie-in. As long as ONE person shares that good, and shines the light so others can see, the story will never end. That feeling enveloped me and wrapped me in a beautiful cocoon of contentment that I have carried with me into this week-even with the endless barrage of disheartening stories that assault our senses every day. The cocoon isn't as strong as it was that night, but my village will bring reinforcements of goodness and light-like they always do, and I will be grateful! 

And a dime to boot!

For more information on the best fireworks show I have ever seen go to                     Seriously-the whole show was one huge grand finale!   Thanks to Melaleuca!!!!!


  1. I absolutely love you! I’m so sorry that we have lost personal contact, but love to receive your blog and catch up with you and your (my) girls. I will love you always and all ways. 💗💗💗

  2. PS I didn’t want to be anonymous. It’s me Donna, first grade teacher

  3. Perfect as always!! Love you tons!
