Sunday, March 31, 2019

Not Cool

Tell em, boys!

As humans we all get the opportunity to experience a wide range of emotions. In a lifetime,  a person can cycle through the entire gamut.  Joy, sadness,  pain, pleasure, guilt, elation, pride, empathy,  anger, fear, excitement , anticipation of both good and bad,  disappointment, approval, grief, despair, contentment.....the list goes on. I have already blogged about my least favorite of emotions-that being guilt. I'll say it as again. It's an utterly useless emotion.

I have a rival in the running for least favorite emotion, and that is jealousy. Yuck. Another useless, damaging emotion. An ugly, messy emotion. It takes the best of people and turns them into unrecognizable beings. It pulls out any ugly lurking beneath the surface and exposes it in full. It solves nothing. It creates drama. It takes the human experience and turns it into something nasty and distasteful. Jealousy is the root of all evil, whether you start with Cain and Abel, or look at the jealousy paired with lust for power that has gone on during horrific events in the history of our world. Jealousy is always a player in taking down nations, breaking up families, and destroying friendships. It is truly evil.

I need to say right now that jealousy is a human, instinctive reaction that comes with the bundle of emotions we get to experience. We have all been there, though I feel the point is not to stay there. The damaging, though normal knee jerk reaction of being jealous needs to be harnessed quickly and replaced with either a reality check or a healthier emotion. The sooner the view is changed, the less poison that results from jealousy will be absorbed.

Some would argue that jealousy has a purpose because it exposes our protective nature and helps us defend what us ours. This is where we have to make the distinction. Jealousy and protectiveness, by definition, are NOT the same.
Never, for a moment, be fooled that jealousy equates with care.

Jealousy is mean. It's toxic and selfish. Jealousy is controlling. It holds no trust. It's demeaning and does not fulfill. It gives no reward. It eats away at heart and soul. It gives no ownership to the relationship and takes power away. It does not facilitate a trusting relationship. It is evil.

Love is protection. It HEALS and repairs. Love is patient. Love is kind. Love sees the best and embraces trust in the other party.  Love gives clarity. It gives purpose and ownership. It gives and doesn't take away. It is goodness and fulfillment. It is the joy every human searches for. Love is the bomb. It's the be all and end all of the human experience.

And just in case you have any questions...
Jealous adjective
Feeling resentment against someone because of that person's rivalry, success, or advantages
Feeling resentment because of another's success, advantage, etc
Characterized by or proceeding from suspicious fears or envious resentment
Inclined to or troubled by suspicions or fears of rivalry, unfaithfulness, etc. as in love or aims
Protective verb
Defending or guarding from attack, invasion, loss, annoyance, insult, etc., cover or shield from injury or danger, take care of ambitiously

I have waited a significant amount of time to post this. It has been nagging at me and rolling around in my head for years. It's time. I see jealousy ruining the lives of people I love, so I took the leap. Take it and chew on it a bit. Decide your own fate. Don't drink the poison. Love. Just love. And be grateful.

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