Saturday, February 3, 2018


We all have them. Some are big, some are small, some are so overwhelming they seem unconquerable. But every person, no matter how it looks from the outside, has a vice...or two, or three. It's kind of the plan, so we have some way to want to improve while we are here in this crazy world. Some vices we are sent with-weaknesses that we can choose to overcome, or make them bigger with the choices we make. The choices we make every day can lead to great happiness, or great despair. My saving grace comes from the knowledge that there IS grace, and ALWAYS a way to get where we want to be.
Grace is provided-even to someone like me
I was thinking about this the other day after a heart to heart with someone I love very much who is trying to make changes in his life. He expressed excitement, yet trepidation for the walk ahead. He is worried that he has vices to conquer; hence the trepidation. I have great hope for him. Forces are at work for him-combining the powers of Heaven with angels on earth to help light his way and inspire all he does. I have cause to believe that my dad is walking beside this person-whispering in his ear and nudging others to place themselves in his path. Will it be some work? You wouldn't yield such great rewards if the outcome wasn't worth it. And I know this man has everything he needs to quell his vices and prevail over the demons that chase after him. He has strength and goodness and a desire to be better. He has honor and humility, and though he would never want you to know it-a heart so big that it threatens to engulf him at times. He's a good man, and I believe in him. There's always hope. One day, one decision, one miracle at a time.

That is one of the many great things my dad taught me. He had his own vices as well. As I grew older and settled down into the life I have now, I felt such horror and remorse at the pain and worry I caused my parents with the poor judgment and decisions I made. Many times I expressed my heartfelt sorrow at inflicting my poor choices on them. My dad would always assure me that life is one big lesson, and that the things we do wrong can be turned into something good if we learn from them and use them to make better choices. He didn't expect me to be perfect, or to work on everything I had issues with all at once-he just wanted me to start somewhere and try to improve even a little as I learned. And really, that's exactly what God wants as well. For us to do just a little better today than we did yesterday, and be better tomorrow than we are today. That's how He does all things Himself. Line upon line. He roots for us. He cheers for us. He loves us. He constantly sends people and ways and tender mercies for us to keep moving along- a little at a time. So we can be better. So we can be free from the vices that plague us. And I'm grateful.

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