Friday, August 11, 2017


Time is dwindling. The clock is going faster this summer. I feel like I haven't gotten one. The craziness of life kind of took over this summer. On the upside, I went on a cruise, saw Las Vegas for about 2 seconds in a sort of drive by shooting kind of way in all it's....ummmm.....scary splendor, bought something fun to drive, and met up with friends I haven't seen since heaven. So that's a pretty good list. But it went so fast.

It's been no secret I have been dealing with some things I haven't been used to in my life thus far. Everyone does. My summer days of ice cream have been spent as "I scream" instead, but with the help of God, angels, and the amazing peeps I have gathered in my life, I am making it.

Yes, I have a cloud obsession. It helps me see light.
I look for light. I try to BE light. I haven't lost my light. It has just been a little dimmed as of late. I am normally a person that can rally and find the silver lining of ANY situation...and I am still doing that. I will never lose that, because it's one of the things I was born to do. My husband calls me the "Silver Lining Seamstress". . I know it drives some people crazy. I look past faults, try to find reasons to see why someone is behaving a certain way, try to forgive, try to search for another  way to look at a situation. I feel it's better than living in negativity and I continue to look for those other ways instead of the worst possible scenarios. I know I disappoint people, and I know how it feels to be disappointing, so I guess by looking from another angle, I try to spare others from feeling they have disappointed.

I have been so grateful for the offerings of love and gathering of friends to jump to my aid, if only to be listeners and pray for me. It helps more than you know. From the person who shows up on my doorstep just to hug me, to the neighbor who drives past my house, puts her car in reverse and backs down the street to chat with me, to the friend from work who offers good listening and lunch, to the long lost daughter who sends a token reminder that I am loved and needed. Thank you. THANK YOU.  I don't expect these gestures. I am grateful for them. I know God sends these people to me to help me keep noticing the good. And I do. Life is full of people who can't find it no matter how hard they try-and I am going to be someone who is able to point it out. I want to live well, and help everyone live our best. To experience love. And love DOES save. It is saving me. It's the only way. Wonder Woman is right. No more screaming for me. Ice cream is better. And I'm grateful.
Thank you sweet Jennifer. You were God's hands!



  1. Heather, my amazing and beautiful friend. I love you and I love all that you teach and share. I'm so happy you're living true to yourself and sharing lessons learned along your journey. 💝💝💝

  2. Hello my sweet beautiful friend. You're amazing. I'm so grateful for the insights and lessons you share. I'm grateful also that you know when your life needs to change direction. Your insights and experience strengthen me. 💝💝💝
