Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Tale of Two Heathers

I consider myself to be a pretty even-keeled person. I'm reasonable and happy, I'm functional and efficient, I'm calm most of the time, and I feel pretty good about my life. And I love. Oh boy, do I love. All the time. I can't turn it off. But I know there are places in my heart and my soul that are a little bit less settled and even a little bit grey. I keep those grey spaces tamped down a good part of the time, but they exist. There's the BEST Heather, and then there's the other Heather. My goal is to keep the BEST Heather accessible and seen the most often, but other Heather surfaces every now and again.

The two sides of me don't fight often. I'm pretty quick to rally. I've been blessed with eternal perspective and a pretty bright spirit. Yet grey tries to plague me now and again, and the bright side of me has to work hard to surface. For the times I feel defeated, there's the flip side that wants to give the good fight. For times I feel stupid, I latch on to learning quickly. For sadness that is in me, there is also a bubbly, happy self. For exhaustion that plagues me, there is a reserve of boundless energy. Where I make judgments too quickly, I also find good easily. For the times I act rashly, I have fostered the art of patience.  Where my feelings get hurt, there are buckets of forgiveness. Where I lack sympathy, tenderness resides as well. When I am a coward and want to run away from life and its problems, the Super cape in my closet waits readily. For the rebel in me, there's a girl who just wants to do the right thing. I see my weaknesses. I have many. The cool thing is that for every weakness, there's an opposite strength. That's my true fight. To find the opposing strength within me. It's a battle to be sure, but one I want to win more often than not.

Some of my rebel accessories.
My husband-my cheerleader, my strength, my self-esteem champion.
Strength of family.
Gaining strength.
Settled, peaceful me.

 You know the old Indian story about the two wolves...the one that you feed is the one that wins. I know that is how every person is. I know there's opposition in all things. I know there's always going to be a little fight going on in someone. I'm not the only one with grey inside. What I want to bring forth is my thanks to the people in my life that help my good wolf win. I want to acknowledge the people that bring out my BEST Heather. BEST Heather exists because of the wonderful influences that surround me every day. BEST Heather is accessible through the grace of God, and YOU...my peeps. I'm grateful!


  1. Happy Birthday Paisley Girl!
    Love you. Both yous..... all of you.

  2. Dear Heather, I finally made time to read my emails. I ALWAYS love your blog posts but this is absolute fabulous. I know I've said it a hundred times if I have said it one, you have a gift of words that inspire and cause inner reflection. I thank you for it and thank you for sharing so openly. LOVE YOU!!!
