Friday, April 29, 2016

No Fair

Life is truly not fair. It's not. The cards we are dealt are not always pretty, not always fun, not what we hoped. Life is good, but not fair for sure.

Two things I try to remember are-a) life has unfairness for every  human being, and b) sometimes the unfairness comes from our own choices and the consequences of them.

The situations of unfairness that seem to weigh on me the most are the ones where people are unfair to each other. There will always be illness, death, natural disasters, and other trials that test the faith of humans. But suffering from someone else's unkindness is something I wish we humans could just move past and learn from instead of perpetuating further unkindness. Sometimes I think it's not even being necessarily unkind, but being completely thoughtless. It is human nature to be a little selfish-overcoming the "natural man" means just that-overcoming the selfishness inside us and caring about the bigger picture. In all fairness, I think some of the naturally occurring bleakness that comes to us arrives because it helps us to forget our selfishness and help others along. But how sad that it takes these instances to be kind.

This week I have felt left out, overlooked, and unappreciated in certain aspects of my life. These are things that every one of us experiences and hopefully we are able to move forward after wallowing for just a minute. The interesting part of this is that for every little prick to my soul, there was someone there to fill in the holes and raise me back up. There were beautiful things given to me through both the written and spoken word in times where I needed it most. I am so grateful for those people in my life who follow the inspiration to help me along at just the right time.

What happens to me whenever I am feeling that life is unfair is that after I have waded through self-doubt and a little self-pity, I ask myself what it is that I need to learn from these situations. Invariably I come to understand that my job in the matter at hand is to turn and lift someone else. When it comes down to it, I want to be a builder. I want to make a difference. I want to bring a good light and a bright side to anything another might be dealing with. This is what we are here for. I am amazed I always come back to this answer because I am known for feeling small and I wonder how just one person can make a difference in something that seems so big, so unfair to another. But then I think that it only takes one person who comes along and makes a difference to me in my big, unfair situations, and I know that at least, that's a start. Carry on.


  1. Oh Heather beautifully written. I'm still waiting for you to publish your blog into a book. Thanks for always remembering me. I see it's on Facebook now. I should be able to read it on there. Thanks for being my FOREVER friend. ��

    1. I do always remember you and I'm glad you know our friendship is forever! Love you.
