Sunday, October 25, 2015


Look at our world. Look at the headlines! Actually, don't. They are for the most part downright depressing. Catastrophic events, corrupt leaders, dishonesty, families falling apart....I'd better stop now. It's crazy. We need some good.

There is good. It's usually buried in obscure pieces of news, and tiny corners of the written word. As far as the media is concerned, it's not worth reporting because it's not sensational enough. I think good is right under our noses. Good is still all over the place, we just don't get to see and hear all of it that goes on every day. But we need to. We need good. We need happy. We need kind. We need light.

So why, how, what the heck....I hear complaints that....wait for's truly going to shock you- "There are people who are TOO nice." WHAT the heck?

Some call it being naïve. Some think if you're happy all the time you've got to be fake. Me? I think it's amazing. I think it's brave, I think it's possessing a divine attribute.

I think it is a grand thing to find a person who can keep being nice in the midst of the things that life can dish out. It's amazing to me when people can stay positive no matter what is going on in the world and even more importantly their own homes and families. The person who can smile through the pain and help others through theirs is a saint,  period. Someone who is kind when they have been hurt? The epitome of grace and charity. Sometimes being happy is the furthest thing from a person's mind, but to find kindness and share it no matter what is one of the things we are here to learn. Not complaining when there's plenty to complain about? Try it for a day. See if you can do it. That takes grit, strength and integrity. Finding light in the darkness? Joy in the drudgery? Delight in the simple things? Good things in my book. Nice qualities. Nice things to be around. Nice, just nice!

SO no. You can't be too nice. In a world like this where nice can keep even one person going, there's no such thing as being too nice. Keep bringing it nice people! Because I NEED NICE. And I will be grateful.


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