Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Opinions Vary

I think in this world of  modern technology and information at your fingertips it is so easy to be misled and misinformed.  For every article  and news blurb on any given topic there is another one that has opposing "facts" and "research" that contends with the first one. Although I have suspected this for years,  this past week has shown that even our "trusted" sources lie and embellish to boost ratings and glorify careers. While I look for places to gather  information,  I have a hard  time forming my  own opinions about issues at hand because I cannot tell which details have been fabricated and which ones  lie closer to the actual truth. Sadly I don't think we ever get to hear the whole truth in any situation because a) there is ALWAYS more than one side to EVERY story and b) we never know  which story is  being presented to us (the storyteller's, the victim's, the aggressor's etc). Things get twisted, opinions become gospel, and facts get skewed. What is the truth?

Because I don't want to be pessimistic, I have decided the only way to wade through the dizzying onslaught of misinformation is to create an informed opinion from what looks to be the closest to the truth, then follow my heart. It usually tells me what I need to know.

When I profess to have an informed opinion about the people that I work with, and talk about how amazing they are, I rely on my experiences with them and the way I feel when I am around them. Knowing that there is good in everyone is a solid basis for my opinion, and when I pair it with the wonderful actions of these people, it paints a pretty good picture of what is truth. I have watched the administration, teachers, and staff  at my wonderful little elementary school give all they have to ensure the success of the children they serve. There are grueling, tiresome, patience-trying days that these people wade through because they know there is something bigger that they are working toward. They know the reward is bigger than the sacrifice.  They work, they love, they persevere, they facilitate. They know that what they are doing makes a difference to little human beings (and big human beings too!)  They see the goodness in others. I see it in them.

So accept this informed opinion of a lowly aide who gets to participate in miracle making every day. It's research based and felt in my heart.  I am grateful.

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