Sunday, August 24, 2014


I'm going to save you a trip to the wise man in Tibet.  I'm going to tell you the secret to life.  Yup,  I know what it is! Little old me, Heather Winward from Pleasant View,  Utah knows the secret that man has been searching for since the dawn of time.

First I need to address the purpose of life, and that is LOVE. Love is the reason we are here. It is the be all and end all of why we were created.  Loving is harder than it looks,  because loving in the way we were created to means loving in all circumstances and not just the ones we choose. Which brings me to the secret.

Are you ready? The secret to life is balance. Yes, balance!  It seems simple~so simple that we search for something more complex and earth-shattering to tell us what we are to achieve in our lives.  But balance is elusive and almost impossible to reach. Sure, we can find it for a moment, and in one or even two aspects of our lives,  but to secure balance on every front is pretty much unattainable for us humans. In fact I've  kind of realized that must be what perfection is. .. to be balanced in every way. Though I know I will never reach this kind of balance in my lifetime,  the constant shifting of my priorities might make for wonderful practice.

So back to the purpose of that takes balance too.  I love quite readily and easily. Loving is the easy part. The boundaries and responsibilities are what makes it tricky. To love when someone has hurt us, or betrayed us,  or made decisions we don't agree with~all that throws a kink into things,  doesn't it?

This can be applied to every other aspect of life. .. there is a point gone too far in everything. How much can I give without enabling? How far can I run before I overwork myself?  How busy can I be before I overwhelm myself? Or here's one I have to ask myself daily. ..How much hand sanitizer can I use before I kill the good bacteria that benefits me? ;)

I mull these things over on a regular basis these days.  I have the secret,  but what I do with it is something else all together.  Maybe sharing it with my readers will benefit someone,  but I suspect we've all known the secret all along. I think the biggest rewards will come when we pair the purpose of life with the secret of life. Perfection being the final outcome.

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