Sunday, June 22, 2014

All That Glitters

I am trying to catch back up with my life in the wedding and cruise aftermath. I am putting things away, moving things, organizing, cleaning, and thinking. A lot.

One of the kissing balls with over 100 hand made roses
The wedding was marvelous. I could not have asked for a more blessed experience. Lots of fun, happiness, love, warmth, food, friendship and joy came from it. Not to mention plenty of glitter. I absolutely relished preparing for and creating the decorations for Cassie and Stephen's wedding. I love creating and this filled a long neglected void for me. But as I have been dismantling and putting away all of the glitz and glitter, I realize the "glitter" in the whole experience was the people. I have the most wonderful son-in-law. He is funny, kind, handsome, good-hearted, smart, and most of all, he adores Cassie. His family is just as wonderful. We received help from, interacted with, and enjoyed time with so many wonderful people during all of this. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a hard time with crowds and social situations. I LOVE PEOPLE. But socializing is an awkward experience for me. I absolutely enjoyed my social experiences during the weeks before and during the wedding. I saw people I miss, people I love, people I admire, and people I don't even know very well throughout this process. And I loved it. I loved the reception. To my husband's utter dismay, I told him we should have a gathering like the reception once a month just so we could see all those amazing people in one place again.

Okay-maybe that is overboard, but my point is that it's not the glitter, the decorations, the cake, the invitations or gifts that make an event-but the PEOPLE . And they made ours. I know I'm blessed. I know what matters. I'm grateful for the people that make my life better. They are my glitter.

1 comment:

  1. Catching up on all my emails. Heather YOU are the glitter for so many of the rest of us. It was wonderful to see Cassie and her sweet knight in shining armor and all of you. :) :)
