Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Payment Options

 Happy New Year! As each year ends, I am finally trying to embrace the excitement of new things to come instead of trying hold onto the time that is so rapidly slipping away. I am trying to resist mourning the passage of each year and look for the positives ahead. It is hard, but I am catching the spirit of it. I actually feel excitement bubbling up inside and it is starting to drown out my feelings of wariness about things to come. I want to make plans and do great things-even if the great things are only as a result of small acts.
Keeping this in mind, I want to move forward; steadily so. The time I was so blessed to spend with family and loved ones during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons fuel my desire to move forward and continue good, worthwhile and valuable things; not just busy-ness. There are times that the things of the world chill me to the core. Building the good and focusing on the positives helps to dull the edginess of the scary things in the world.

Christmas Eve tradition at the Summers-sky lanterns

Ever the darling couple

Love this daddy of mine!
Hi Merdie!

This year was extra special-a tribute to my grandmother who left us
this summer to be with her true love in heaven.

 Among other fun, well spent, uplifting, heart-touching activities, our family got to watch the Disney movie Tomorrowland again. This came out in theaters in the summer and we loved it then, so we bought it for Christmas. I love the whole sense of adventure, dreaming, creating, and problem solving in the movie. There were some political moments but overall the theme is to keep dreaming and figuring out solutions instead of focusing on all the problems in the world. It suggested that Humans have an apocalyptic nature anymore-the more horrifying and sensational it is, the more we move toward it. And instead of looking for solutions, we just jump onto the next big tragedy and inject ourselves into it by our relationship to it-no matter how far removed. This movie was about DREAMING. It was about overcoming tragedy and working toward fixing things TOGETHER as best we can with hope and ideas. I loved it. It inspired me. I'm energized by it. BONUS: George Clooney is in it!
Figuring out how to do great things and keep the momentum is the query I am faced with. I believe in random acts of kindness, words with filled with meaning, simple moments of courage, and paying it forward. I believe in hope and that maybe once in a great while I can give it to someone. I believe one person can make a difference and sometimes even change the future. Those are my options, those are my plans.  Paying it forward should give the momentum and hopefully will inspire others to do the same. Bring it New Year! I'm excited. And grateful.

1 comment:

  1. I've spent quite a while looking at these pictures, the faces full of joy! I can't wait until it's Christmas and we can do such uplifting things again with each other! Thanks for posting all these, they warmed my heart!
