Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Beauty in Everything

Not a long post today but an important one. Beauty. The real kind. The kind that is in everything. The kind of beauty that sometimes isn't immediately apparent but is undeniable.

Last night we were eating my favorite food-tacos. We had another one of my favorite foods with them-nacho cheese Doritos. Under the right circumstances, I could eat a family sized bag by myself.  I have always liked folded chips and Cassie found the queen of all folded chips. Like any good daughter she fed my love of folded chips and relinquished her Dorito to me. As she passed it to me, Meghan said, "Wow! That Dorito looks just like a rose!" Now, we have roses on the brain with all the wedding preparations at our house so I wasn't sure she was seeing roses because we have made hundreds of crepe paper roses, or because this chip actually resembled one, but upon closer inspection we all saw that Meghan's assessment was right on the money. I decided I needed a photo of it and snapped one with my phone. I told my family, "I've got to find a way to use this on my blog. I just need a title." Quick as a flash, Meghan said, "Beauty in Everything". A-ha moment and proud mama moment rolled up into one. Not much more needs to be said-she summed it right up. There is beauty in everything.....especially if you're looking for it.
Wedding Kissing Ball for Cassie's wedding-over 100 hand made roses and counting!

The happily engaged couple.
The beautiful rose Dorito!

My beautiful Meghan who reminds me to see the beauty in everything!

1 comment:

  1. Heather, I love you and your whole amazing family. There is really beauty in everything if we take the time to look. By the way the handmade roses are amazing and BEAUTIFUL


