Thursday, September 19, 2024

MAGIC of GIANT Proportions

Me and my giant, Bumblebee

You know those moments in life when everything just seems to come together and you're amazed that everything could have been orchestrated that perfectly? There are more moments like these than we realize-I mean getting home safely every day in this insane world is pretty magical if you ask me, but there are stand outs that need to be acknowledged as well. I mentioned in my last post that I was going to share...and it's time!

I have never been to Colorado. Things kept whispering to us that we needed to plan an adventure there, so we got to work setting up a last minute trip before I went back to work at my school. Things seemed to fall into place quickly and rather easily, so Chad and I were looking forward to it. We had several activities lined up, and we were excited to see somewhere new. 

You know how I am about dimes. Before we even checked our bags I had found two dimes and a penny, and I felt this was a great start. Our flight went well, even through turbulence, and we arrived in Denver after a huge rainstorm-their first in weeks, and one that helped quell some raging wild fires there. 

While we rode the shuttle to the car rental place, my daughter Meghan let me know that one of our favorite bands, one we know and call our friends, was IN Colorado Springs to give a concert and help debut the new Ford Amphitheater there. MAGIC GIANT was opening with OneRepublic and they were giving away some tickets on Instagram!!!

I messaged Magic Giant and so did Meghan,  and then Chad and I  went along our way (crossing our fingers)  in absolute awe of the Colorado beauty we were in. After a fresh rainstorm, it smelled heavenly and looked so green and lush. Our hotel was lovely, surrounded in forest and green. We went towards Old Colorado Springs and spent the evening in the charm of it all. It was just beautiful. I mean absolutely breath taking and every kind of terrain you'd imagine all around us in vivid colors. We went to bed that night just stunned at the beauty we were in, and excited for all the places we were going to adventure to. 

In one of the store fronts in Old Colorado Springs.

Had to take a picture of this because it reminded me of  my Jennifer.
Right before lights out, I checked my Instagram and had received a message from Austy (Magic Giant) asking if we still wanted tickets. Of course I said yes, and we went to sleep. 

Not to bore with travel logs, but the next day Chad and I headed out to Garden of the Gods. That in and of itself is absolutely stunning.. Rock formations shot out of the ground in every direction, forming wonderful feasts for the eye. Everywhere we looked there was something beautiful. Just glorious. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and again marveled at the astonishing beauty of it all.

By 4pm, the ticket giveaway was over. To be honest, I felt so special and loved that Magic Giant had even found the time to say hi to us, and that was enough for me. But as we were hiking by a stream, my notifications went off and we found we had tickets for that night (August 10). They asked if we thought we could make it. I was thrilled as we flew to the hotel to freshen up and get to the venue. I was so excited to see everyone from Magic Giant and so grateful they had pulled strings to get us there. I hadn't expected it, and I was so very surprised and pleased. 

You have to understand that Magic Giant really is magic. They have amazing, uplifting, happy music. Their spirits are just wonderful to be around. Every one of them in the band and crew are just lovely humans. Meghan met them at a music camp that changed her life and saved her life and soul. Literally. They are magic. They reach people. I got to meet them last year and I did not want the time with them to end. 🎵I know I know, that we're all pretending, this night is never ending🎶  They just make the world feel good and their light gives so much hope. They are incredible individually, and as a whole. I can't describe the feeling you get just being in their presence and being able to soak up their energy and love. So this was big. I couldn't wait for Chad to meet them after the show. 

When we got to the box office, our tickets were there. I honestly was so excited to have them and figured we'd be on the lawn taking it all in. When we opened the envelope, I almost fell down. 14th row!!!! Right in front of the stage. It made me cry. I felt so blessed. I was very happy to be able to catch Austy and Zang before he show to profess my immense gratitude. I know they had to work to get that done for us. And they were just gracious. They said it was their pleasure, and thanked US for making time for them! My word. I am still humbled. 

That's me!!!!!!!!!!

And the concert. Oh, the concert!!!! It was magnificent! I knew every word. I sang and danced and even cried a little. It was truly magical. They put on an incredible show. The talent is unreal. The feeling you get watching them in unbeatable. 
After they sang we went to find them and got the most magical hugs and personal interaction with them. Bonus that some of their significant others and even one of their mothers was there too-with the same warmth and goodness. They again thanked US for coming and we left promising to stay in touch. Have you ever had a band tell you they love you, too? They do. And they mean it. I can never thank Magic Giant enough for this opportunity to just BE WITH them and witness the magic they make. They are incredible. And thank you to Meghan for introducing us to them. Luckily she was going to see them 6 days later in LA. 
The incredible band. Just amazing people. 


Zang, me, and Austy.
I am not photogenic-especially when I am with famous people. I get so 
happy I smile too big and the camera catches me at weird angles. But I
feel like my happiness shows, so I treasure these photos.
BELOW🠋The boys in action.

And then I have to mention OneRepublic...they were also just wonderful. They sang all the songs I know and love. They had an encore and their last song was "I Lived" at which time Ford set off the most gorgeous fireworks display that lit the whole night. We were already on such a high, and that just topped it all off. We left the venue on cloud 9-reveling in the kindness we had been shown snd the experience we had just lived. What a night. And not a word I say can really put into perspective the joy we experienced that night. I will never forget it.

There was so much more to this trip. One of my favorites ever. We saw Cave of the Winds with beautiful caverns and rich history.      We drove up Pikes Peak, stopping all along the way for glorious views, varied terrain, lakes and even a Big Foot Crossing! When we reached the top there was a fantastical storm that enveloped the entire mountain top for an hour. The layers of clouds and varieties of landforms was mind blowing. It was very cold at the top and I had to wear every layer I had available. But it was so worth it. Then coming down the mountain we had the most glorious thunder storm!

Another place I would really recommend is Royal Gorge Bridge. It's exactly what is says-a marvel of a ginormous suspension bridge crossing the huge expanse of a deep gorge. The beauty is staggering and the thrill of being on it is electrifying. There's a zipline and sky coaster and a few theme park rides-even a raptor show with live birds. It surpassed every expectation. I loved it there. The drive  back from it was lovely as well. 

I could go on, but I already have. One last thing we did was go visit the most charming mansion in Manitou Springs called the Miramont Castle. It is just gorgeous and has a fabulous history on so many levels. It was definitely worth the trip just to look but the ongoing history is what I loved most. 

If you get anything from this post-besides picture overload, I hope you get at least these three things:
1-Life is Magical-go LIVE it! Especially when you can celebrate the things you love with people you love.
2-There is beauty EVERYWHERE. I can't get over the beauty we saw in so many ways on so many levels. It is out there. Find it.
and 3- PEOPLE provide magic. MAGIC GIANT and their generosity and their genuine love of what they do and the people they do it for made an already wonderful vacation truly MAGICAL and unforgettable. I will always be in awe that we were such recipients of their grace. Their music changes life. GO LOOK THEM UP. They make a difference. And I am grateful!