Friday, August 16, 2024

Next Semester

Oh it has been far too long. I have made promises to blog for almost a year now. It's time to follow through. To be honest, I have written a couple of blogs and then didn't post-either because the moment and the feelings were past, or because I worried it wasn't relevant. Today I am jumping over those hurdles and soldiering on! Time for a few updates to get the ball rolling. 

As I ready myself to return to work at my little school, I am finding myself very thoughtful and quite emotional. I'm evaluating many parts of my life right now-not because I felt the need to, but because the process just naturally presented itself through a series of events during the past few weeks. I feel changes on the horizon, and I am usually not comfortable with change. This time around I am able to see the good that might come from some of them. I'm watching for signs, and finding them everywhere. So we'll see where this journey goes-but in the meantime, I'm finding glory in the immense pleasure of LIVING. And for now, that gives me peace. 

One of the biggest things that happened this year was that my youngest daughter found her One True Love-and eloped with him in Costa Rica!!!! I have never seen her so happy and we absolutely love her husband. This was a long time coming for both of them to find the person that fit them best. They are adventurers who make the most out of life and boy, do they go LIVE!!!! It gives me joy to see them move forward in life and find adventure along the way. They had a reception in May, and the way things came together was just magical. The kindness they were shown-that we, as a family were shown-well, it's staggering. 

I do have to say that I have had to adjust to this change more than I thought I would.  Meghan tried to break me in gently by being absent more often, but after having her as my sidekick for the last 10 years since Cassie got married, I am feeling quite alone. Walmart is unbearable without her. Chick-Fil-A has lost its savor. There are shows I don't even watch anymore as she's not here to share them. The hours of in depth discussions about everything in the world are desperately missed-but there is also a sense of calm that she has found her person, and that trumps all. They are happy. Indescribably so. And that helps me heal my lonely heart a little. 

Costa Rica 

Shawn and Meghan

I am also healing from an intense injury I incurred last November. I cut my index finger of my left hand to the bone-and in doing so severed both of my tendons, leaving my left finger completely useless. I cannot describe the anxiety that came with this accident. And the nausea that is still with me because of the trauma that a one inch cut caused my whole nervous system. BUT-with the help of a fabulous surgeon and equally fabulous hand therapist, I have regained 80%  use of my finger! I am so extremely grateful to have my finger move I can't even express it. There was a chance it could not be repaired. It was tricky, as tendons are elastic and when I severed them they retracted back into my hand. This resulted in my surgeon to have to go on a "fishing expedition" to find them before he could repair them. I spent several months in a removable cast, and 6 months in physical therapy. I had so much help and love and support and kindness just thrown into my life during all of this. So many blessings. I am still not done with this journey, but have been able to make it because of the wonderful people in my life. There is still a little hope for a little more recovery, so if you have room in your prayers for me, I'd be delighted to be included in them. Ah, miracles. I love them. 

******TRIGGER WARNING****** if you are sensitive to seeing injury or pictures involving wounds, scroll past these pictures. I think they're proof of visible miracles. 

November 30, 2023

Today-August 16, 2024
They say change is good, and I'm trying to learn that. These experiences are teachers to me. Sometimes I even constitute the changes. My hair is missing the blue streak this summer so it can rest from 8 years of color. It took me a good month to be okay without it, but I found I could live with it for awhile. Don't get me wrong...the blue will be back. But it was nice to show myself I could still be me.

As I sit here and look to the future, I'm astounded at the caliber and character  and pure goodness of the people in my life.  I know, I say that all the time. But I believe it with every fiber of my being. Gather your people. Surround yourself with good. And then BE THE GOOD. It all circles back around in the most unexpected and delightful ways. (Yes, that's a teaser for my next post.)And I am grateful. 

Special thanks to Twenty One Pilots for the title of this post.