Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Sweet Somethings

I was going to start out by apologizing for the cute stories I continue to share instead of hunkering down for a heartier, thought-provoking piece, but I realize that there is so much seriousness in the world that sometimes the lighter side of things really is more meaningful than a well written, soul stirring speech. So may I add sweet somethings to your life and hope you have received just as many on your own throughout the day.

A couple of weeks ago I put a purple/red/brown streak in my hair. I have had every reaction from avoidance to "How are you going to walk into church like that?" to "I love it!" to "Is that your wicked streak showing?" to "Your hair is so cool!"  I love it myself. I have wanted to do something like this for a long time, and I really, really wanted to make it blue...but I thought I'd let others get used to color in my hair before I go for "truly shocking". I am happy with it, and so is my family, so beyond that, everything else is just entertainment. 
Miss Heather's "wicked streak"

The day I dyed my hair, we had a snow/lightning storm. The next day when the kids asked me if I had dyed my hair, I told them I had been struck by snow-lightning and given super powers. They asked what my super powers were and one of the boys piped up, "Taking care of kids, of course!" It melted me. Their continued discussion of my hair gets better every day.

This was the conversation in kindergarten today:
Boy- "Did you see Miss Heather cut her hair and put a red streak in it?"

Girl- "Yeah! It's cool! I think she wants to turn into Black Widow or something." I've never felt so cool in my life!

Last week one of my really shy boys came up to me, eyes huge, with his hands cupped around his mouth and whispered loudly, "Miss Heather! I have an enormous secret to tell you! Have you ever seen Indiana Jones?"  Of course I told him I had and waited with anticipation to see what was so eye-poppingly important and leaned closer to hear the news..."Heather.....Indiana Jones is HAN SOLO!!!" His poor little mind was just blown!

During a rather trying reading group I had just given my kids a new set of word cards to sort. The vowels has changed from last week's "u" words to "o" words. One of my little girls picked up a card that said "POP" and was supposed to place it with words that corresponded to the "op" ending (top, mop, bop etc.)  This cutie leaned over to her neighbor and whispered, "Does this say poop?" The boy next to her said, "No, I'm pretty sure it says pop." Unconvinced she said, "Are you sure? It just looks like it says poop." "Oh, I'm sure," said the boy. "I know how to spell poop. The password for my Minecraft game is "poopoo." I laughed for way longer and way harder than I had a right to!
A letter I received from a sweet little kinder.
" To Mrs. Heather. Your hair is colorful. I love you
Mrs. Heather. Love you."

Last but not least, my birthday is tomorrow. The kids were guessing how old I will be and the final answer rendered by my kinders is a whopping 36. I reality I will be 46, but this gave my self esteem a fun little boost today. I asked why they think I am 36. "Well, to have cool hair you can't be over 40!"  MADE MY DAY!!! Hope your day has given you little boosts as well. Be grateful! There is still good. Even when it seems it only comes from 5 year olds. I declare it is everywhere.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

May the Mass Times Acceleration Be With You

In anticipation of the upcoming week, I offer fun, light, wit and renewal. I need all of the above. Life is kicking me in the shorts and then standing on me. I need a boost to move forward. May you draw the strength you need from whatever force incites the best good to shine from you.

Best "show of force" ever
A child at school walked up to me on the playground and saw that someone had made me a tinfoil rose. Wanting to show his generosity as well,  he offered me his brand new pencil that he'd just earned. As he turned away from me, he noticed the other playground lady nearby. He came back to me and said, "Miss Heather, I see that you already have a gift and Miss Kari doesn't have one. Would it be alright if I took that pencil back and gave it to her?" I said of course. He waved the pencil around like a wand and said, "Good. She needs to be able to conjure a patronus!"

In my church class last week, someone was explaining prophets and apostles to the children. He was holding up pictures of our prophet, Thomas S. Monson, and asking who the rest of the men were who help the prophet. One of my kiddos was trying to figure out the answer and a child behind her whispered, "The Apostles". Giddy to answer, my kiddo yelled out, "The old fossils!"

At Christmastime I was giving a lesson in church to my little four year olds about the Nativity.  I let the children act this out using my Little People nativity. I got to the part with the wise men and asked one of my little girls, "Do you know what gifts the wise men gave to Jesus?" And to my utter delight she said, " Well, I think they gave him gold, silver, and makes no sense." (frankincense) It was the cutest version of the gifts I have ever heard.
Especially for tomorrow-Pi day
Before I married Chad (who now does our finances) I would get frustrated that my checkbook balance never lined up with my statement. He asked me what I did when that happened. I told him I just start a new line that says NEW BALANCE and go from there. It bewildered him, but now in our house when things get crazy and we need new perspective, we just yell "New Balance"......and get ready to go again.
I do remember that life IS good and there so many little gems in each day. The people that surround me do me much good. I am grateful that the things that stress me and run me down can be counteracted by kindness and even humor.
Light is what I'm looking for. If you are reading this, my wish is that you find yours. Even if it's a little bit to keep you going every day. Oh, and may the force be with you!